• Dental Practice Management

Dental Practice Management:Pricing–Avoid the Herd PLUS Leveraging Pricing Part I


Dental Practice Management:Pricing--Avoid the Herd PLUS Leveraging Pricing Part I In dental practice management and fees-avoiding the “rush to cheap” can be a real challenge since it’s easy to get caught up in “retail mentality” as one watches the majority of the retail world heading there. This something to be aware of and position yourself away from that game.  If you weren’t aware of the fact that there has been no long term retail discounter in the history of business you should seek out information on that subject versus believing that “discount is king.” [Don’t [...]

Dental Practice Management:Pricing–Avoid the Herd PLUS Leveraging Pricing Part I2019-10-23T19:14:55-04:00
  • Independent dentist

Independent Dentist-Why you need Ethical Selling Dentistry Systems


Independent Dentist-Why you need Ethical Selling Dentistry Systems For today's independent dentist, having a proven sales and marketing system in place is needed now more than ever before. While the economy is starting to show signs of life, the dental market remains forever changed following the “great recession.”  Most aren’t ready for the risk and opportunity. BECAUSE, here’s what you are up against…….. Fundamentally, the middle class that traditionally bought dentistry is gutted.  Yes, the upper 20% of the affluent are still on top and gaining ground but the rest of the middle class can [...]

Independent Dentist-Why you need Ethical Selling Dentistry Systems2019-10-23T19:15:45-04:00
  • dental Marketing ideas

Dental Marketing Ideas-Decrease the Data You Give Your Patients


Dental Marketing Ideas-Decrease the Data You Give Your Patients In the dental marketing ideas series I advise my program members to keep everything simple in case presentation and decrease the data you give the patients. Here is why-Every 18 months for the last decade, the world has doubled the data it pushes to you. Twice as much email, twice as many friend requests, twice as many sites to check, twice as many devices. That’s what’s going on in your patient’s world. It’s becoming more difficult to insert yourself into their conversations without a clear focused [...]

Dental Marketing Ideas-Decrease the Data You Give Your Patients2019-10-23T19:19:49-04:00
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