• ethical selling dentistry

What is Ethical Selling Dentistry?


What is Ethical Selling Dentistry? Ethical Selling Dentistry is- "Getting patients emotionally engaged with a treatment result that is good for them and emotionally and intellectually committed to treatment." While most dentists search in vain for one “special ad” that solves all problems with finding patients who demand specific services, the wisest in the profession understand that if a solid foundation of ethical selling dentistry is absent, any and all promotion will have diminished results. There is 50 years of evidenced based science on human behavior as it relates to decision making. And this science [...]

What is Ethical Selling Dentistry?2019-10-23T18:21:20-04:00
  • Dental practice advice

Dental Practice Advice–Thoughts on “Maintenance”


Dental Practice Advice--Thoughts on "Maintenance" In my dental practice advice series, I’d like to discuss what most of us refer to as “maintenance” or “preventive” care. Since this type of care is simply a continuation of treatment (i.e. after reconstruction), I recommend not discussing it at length as if it was an entirely new concept following the end of regular treatment. Why? Because it confuses the patient. After “reconstruction”, they are  suddenly forced to make a new decision. It’s sort of like starting all over with them again and having to “re-sell” an entirely different [...]

Dental Practice Advice–Thoughts on “Maintenance”2019-10-23T19:12:47-04:00
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