Take a Look at This All-on-X Case


Do you like the case in this image? Pretty nice, right? It's an example of the kinds of cases our AO4 doctors do routinely. While others with advanced implant training "wish" our member doctors DO. This particular case also illustrates the power of our "Medicare Implant" advertising message as this patient responded to a Medicare related treatment ad. This particular patient, alas, did not have the right Medicare plan to get any help or reimbursement from Medicare but they still went forward with treatment. The Medicare Issue "Medicare" created the phone call and OUR member got the $45,000 case that [...]

Take a Look at This All-on-X Case2023-05-23T12:14:15-04:00

A Noteworthy New Full Arch Program Testimonial


This recent testimonial is from one of our member locations in Northern California; just one of many super competitive markets we work and succeed in. "Hello Doctor: A note, again, to let you know how happy I am with your Full Arch Program program. It has carried me into the New Year with Great Anticipation and Hope! Even though I have many, many full arch cases, most were being finished from last year and few new ones coming along which meant little money coming in for the ongoing monthly overhead. I foresaw this issue last April when I viewed your [...]

A Noteworthy New Full Arch Program Testimonial2023-05-23T12:14:47-04:00

What Creates 100 Full-Arch Cases Yearly?


Change is a constant. I see it in the time I've been active in the implant world since 1995. The procedures and clinical thinking has evolved (AKA changed), protocols and implant design and work flows have changed, and there have been changes on the advertising and sales side of the equation. What's Changing? In advertising, the procedure (full arch implants), there's been a few minor (and a few major) changes in the wording of the messages that work best. However, even in the digital age, some of the same very best messages that worked for creating implant cases in the [...]

What Creates 100 Full-Arch Cases Yearly?2023-05-23T12:15:21-04:00

4 Advantages that Matter with Full Arch Implants


In almost every market, there are multiple practices competing for All-on-X cases. Everyone is looking for advantages that matter so they can be successful at finding their cases. Full-Arch Implant Advantages Advantages that matter can be found in the following areas in the AOX niche: #1 - Advantages in AOX advertising using sound scientific principles both online and offline. This means A/B ad testing and use of reliable headlines shown to generate the most calls over many years. It also means, 10+ years of refining Google campaigns and the 'behind the scenes' keywords and phrases that trigger ads. It means creating [...]

4 Advantages that Matter with Full Arch Implants2023-05-23T12:16:12-04:00

Another Secret About Medicare


Full-arch implant cases, and, specifically, the All-on-X case, is almost entirely an advertising based service. At least 95% of cases are created by advertising. Yes, occasionally there is an oral surgeon, with a hella-massive referral network, who can avoid advertising for All-on-X cases BUT most specialists, including the OMFS and PERO docs, are in the exact same boat as the implantologist. You can refuse to accept this reality but, like it or not, if you refuse to advertise for All-on-X you will have few All-on-X cases and maybe even zero cases. It's sad to think about the expensive CE, time, [...]

Another Secret About Medicare2023-05-23T12:16:44-04:00

Diagnosis and Informed Consent in All-on-4 Advertising


As an agency, we really hate surprises. Even if we have previously been active in a market, we are still concerned about current market conditions resulting in a surprise today that didn't exist a few years ago. In normal times, things can change locally in a competitive environment within two years. Diagnosing Properly Without this kind of analysis, this is the equivalent of you diving headfirst into a lake without knowing what sits just under the surface of the water which is foolish in real life and foolish in advertising! Occasionally, we have new members who want to go big [...]

Diagnosis and Informed Consent in All-on-4 Advertising2023-05-23T12:20:00-04:00

What’s the Cost for Advertising All-on-4 Cases?


We've gone into the long list of reasons why patients want full arch immediate load implant procedures such as All-on-X / All-on-4. This procedure (or similar protocols) continues to be a winner for patients and for implant practices willing to embrace the right advertising while taking relationship based sales process serious. We've also gone over the population demographics and that the trend of terminal dentition patients wanting and needing these protocols and future derivations of such will continue to expand for the coming 20-30 years. Barring a zombie apocalypse, this procedure will outlive my personal business lifetime and very likely [...]

What’s the Cost for Advertising All-on-4 Cases?2023-05-23T12:20:34-04:00

With Full-Arch Advertising/Sales, There Are No New Wheels To Invent


I've gone into the long list of reasons why the public wants full arch immediate loading solutions such as All-on-4 / All-on-X for terminal dentitions. We are almost ready to go into dollar amounts required to advertise this procedure effectively but, before we go there, we will cover one final CRITICAL CONCEPT to help you understand the reality of advertising and sales of this service. Concept Review As a reminder, CRITICAL CONCEPT #1 is that there is a minimum entry level budget to open the door to at least 3 arches per month. Three arches per month is where the [...]

With Full-Arch Advertising/Sales, There Are No New Wheels To Invent2023-05-23T12:21:48-04:00

Advertising Realities for Full-Arch Cases: Concept #2 – Best Messages


I've gone into the long list of reasons why the public wants immediate implant procedures such as All-on-4 / All-on-X / etc. There are millions of patients in terminal dentitions and millions who will enter that category during their life and every patient in this category is interested in options. One thing is certain, they do NOT want the dentures they saw their parents suffer with (or not wear at all!). While ortho and cosmetics will always have an audience in dentate patients, we are in a 20-30 year expansion period in the segment of patients not exposed to fluoride [...]

Advertising Realities for Full-Arch Cases: Concept #2 – Best Messages2023-05-23T12:22:27-04:00

Full-Arch Implants: 1 Part Clinical + 1 Part Ads + 2 Parts Sales Process


Want to know the #1 surprise discovery I made in 2001 as it related to advertising and sales of the full arch implant case (this was before All-on-4 / All-on-X)? The surprise was how easily everything amazing that I was up to with getting a solid implant message to the public via advertising could be easily destroyed by some of the nicest, caring, friendly, most personable staff you can imagine. Yes, my staff were literally killing my advertising and cases! My full-arch implant ads would generate dozens and dozens of implant patient phone calls every week but these nice caring [...]

Full-Arch Implants: 1 Part Clinical + 1 Part Ads + 2 Parts Sales Process2023-05-23T12:23:05-04:00
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