• independent dentist

Independent Dentist -Advanced Clinicians Pay Attention


Independent Dentist -Advanced Clinicians Pay Attention Below is a testimonial from an independent dentist who is one of my program members and graduate. He is one of the most qualified clinicians on planet earth.  Kois mentor, super skilled, ethical to the nth degree….. If you’re taking tons of CE and aren’t running as fast as you can to our ethical selling program (The McAnally Selling System), your CE is nothing more than expensive hobby…..and as an independent dentist who is fighting the insurance tyrant you are losing out. “The maximum case acceptance program has helped [...]

Independent Dentist -Advanced Clinicians Pay Attention2019-10-23T19:01:38-04:00
  • dental case acceptance

Achieving True Dental Mastership and Dental Case Acceptance


Achieving True Dental Mastership and Dental Case Acceptance In dental case acceptance and the increase of such you must have the clinical skills for sure but you must also have a selling system in place that helps and guides you to close the case. Achieving True Dental Mastership is within every dentists reach but most won't take the time to achieve greater dental case acceptance....The One Thing Keeping 95% of Those with Advanced Clinical Training from Doing the Cases They Want and Deserve is that they do not have a sales system in place to [...]

Achieving True Dental Mastership and Dental Case Acceptance2019-10-23T19:03:46-04:00
  • independent dentist

The Independent Dentist-When Frank Spear is Discounting….Trouble is A Foot…..


The Independent Dentist-When Frank Spear is Discounting....Trouble is A Foot..... The independent dentist needs to be wary of the current economic changes afoot and how it will affect their practice. When the giants of clinical CE are discounting coursework, there is a lesson to be learned and to take heed of in your practice as an independent dentist. This email crossed my desk recently from Dr. Frank Spear’s organization at the Scottsdale Center—dentistry's newest advanced CE delivery facility. The implicit sales message is almost TWO FOR ONE or almost BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!!!  Archaic [...]

The Independent Dentist-When Frank Spear is Discounting….Trouble is A Foot…..2019-10-23T19:05:46-04:00
  • dental Marketing ideas

Dental Marketing Ideas-Decrease the Data You Give Your Patients


Dental Marketing Ideas-Decrease the Data You Give Your Patients In the dental marketing ideas series I advise my program members to keep everything simple in case presentation and decrease the data you give the patients. Here is why-Every 18 months for the last decade, the world has doubled the data it pushes to you. Twice as much email, twice as many friend requests, twice as many sites to check, twice as many devices. That’s what’s going on in your patient’s world. It’s becoming more difficult to insert yourself into their conversations without a clear focused [...]

Dental Marketing Ideas-Decrease the Data You Give Your Patients2019-10-23T19:19:49-04:00
  • Ethical Selling Dentistry

Ethical Selling Dentistry is Defined


Ethical Selling Dentistry is Defined Here’s my definition of ethical selling dentistry.  You heard it from me first. “Getting Patients emotionally engaged in a treatment result that is GOOD FOR THEM and getting them emotionally and intellectually committed to treatment.” Realize that most things pitched to emotionally engage an individual to purchase the good or service are NOT good for them (fast food, sugar coated everything, cigarettes, gas hogging cars, etc.).  Understanding this distinction, how could the professional NOT believe in ethical selling dentistry as something they can deliver that is really very very good [...]

Ethical Selling Dentistry is Defined2019-10-23T19:20:47-04:00
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