• Ethically Selling Dentistry

Dentistry News-An open letter to Washington State Dentists regarding WDS (Delta Dental)


Dentistry News-An open letter to Washington State Dentists regarding WDS (Delta Dental) In dentistry news, Change is in the air.....are  you ready.......Delta Schmelta !! You are more likely experiencing consternation in dentistry news about the issue in Washington State related to Delta’s recent very sound business decision to stay abundantly profitable by cutting their reimbursements (some would say IV drip) to you—they are making economic decisions just as you must. As a national consultant constantly watching for dentistry news, with a bird’s eye view across the land, and as one of the rare 1 in [...]

Dentistry News-An open letter to Washington State Dentists regarding WDS (Delta Dental)2019-10-23T18:23:36-04:00
  • Dental Marketing Strategies

Dental Marketing Strategies-What’s Good for Delta is Bad for Dentists


Dental Marketing Strategies-What's Good for Delta is Bad for Dentists Let's discuss what’s good for delta is BAD for dentists in our dental marketing strategies series.... Throughout the 50 U.S. states most dentists are finding that general dentistry is becoming an increasingly more difficult endeavor where longer hours or figuring out how to run faster to survive on decreasing reimbursements are the new requirements.  Get used to it as that is the NEW reality. You can broaden the above statements to most western industrialized countries except those who super-exporters of manufactured stuff (think Germany) or [...]

Dental Marketing Strategies-What’s Good for Delta is Bad for Dentists2019-10-23T18:38:56-04:00
  • Independent dentist

The Independent Dentist and The e-Myth


The Independent Dentist and The e-Myth  If you are an independent dentist and business owner you should read the e-myth?  Ever heard of the e-myth by Michael Gerber? The majority of dentists would say they’ve never heard of it, never read it, don’t know who Gerber is. Unfortunate.  Not only is the e-Myth book the 5th best selling business book of ALL TIME but it lays it out frankly and clearly why most small organizations, like dental practices, either thrive or struggle along in mediocre land.  If handed to every dental graduate, it would help [...]

The Independent Dentist and The e-Myth2019-10-23T18:39:55-04:00
  • Dental Practice Marketing

You are spending $50,000-$100,000 on Dental Practice Marketing and You Don’t Even Know It


You are spending $50,000-$100,000 on Dental Practice Marketing and You Don't Even Know It Hidden Dental Practice Marketing Expenses You are paying for marketing like it or not In a recent conversation with a dentist, I asked, “How much do you spend on dental practice marketing each year?” The response was “I don’t’ market or advertise so I have no expense”. My next question was “How much do you write off each year to the insurance companies?” His response: $85,000. What this dentist didn’t realize was that an $85K write-off to the insurance company WAS [...]

You are spending $50,000-$100,000 on Dental Practice Marketing and You Don’t Even Know It2019-10-23T18:48:07-04:00
  • dental practice marketing

Dental Practice Marketing-Truth in Dentist CE Advertising. What are you buying?


Dental Practice Marketing-Truth in Dentist CE Advertising. What are you buying? After you have left the expensive CE course, have you the tools to do the dental practice marketing required to attract the type of patient you gained the skills you just learned ? I love dental CE marketing that crosses my desk.  You’ll find one from Frank Spear below that we’ll look at in a moment related to what’s being promised.  It provides some insight into what’s being sold and more importantly what’s not being discussed and blatantly absent from the sales material. There’s [...]

Dental Practice Marketing-Truth in Dentist CE Advertising. What are you buying?2019-10-23T18:50:44-04:00
  • Dental Practice Marketing Budget

Your Dental Practice Marketing Budget: The Real Truth


Your Dental Practice Marketing Budget: The Real Truth Let's discuss your dental practice marketing budget as we approach a new year. We’re gearing up for our Elite Program member’s live meeting on Friday this week.  Coming off a fantastic Christmas and New Years.  Here’s a photo of my partner, mother and I at Fountainbleau before Christmas dinner at Gotham Steak.  No one’s trip to Miami Beach should be without a visit to this grand hotel.  It had a face-lift a few years back and is better than it ever was in it’s last hey-day.  …..on [...]

Your Dental Practice Marketing Budget: The Real Truth2019-10-23T18:51:16-04:00
  • Dental consultant

A Dental Consultant-A look back at James’ predictions…..


A Dental Consultant-A look back at James' predictions..... As a dental consultant I have to be very focused for my program members on events both past and current and how they apply to the economics of dentistry and where we are headed. It’s funny to look back over a decade ago. An article rejected for publication at the time by those “forward thinkers” at Dental Economics……was the seed of genesis of an International consulting business (Big Case Marketing) and the foundation of a sales training program aimed at doing just what’s described in the article [...]

A Dental Consultant-A look back at James’ predictions…..2019-10-23T18:52:00-04:00
  • ethical selling dentistry

Patients Don’t Trust Anyone-Ethical Selling Dentistry is here to help


Patients Don't Trust Anyone-Ethical Selling Dentistry is here to help Ethical Selling Dentistry is here to counter all of the following: Patients don’t trust you.  Why should they? Patients Don't Trust Anyone:  What Are You Really Doing to Counter It? Here’s a few recent headlines from across the medical spectrum that deliver the point all too well.  AND…..these are just the stories that make it to the top (WSJ/NY TIMES).  Just imagine the hundreds happening at the local level! And by the way just because a headline is about physicians gaming the system doesn’t matter [...]

Patients Don’t Trust Anyone-Ethical Selling Dentistry is here to help2019-10-23T18:52:35-04:00
  • Dental Practice Ideas

Dental Marketing Ideas-Email Open Rates – Only Fools Have Stopped Regular Mail


Dental Marketing Ideas-Email Open Rates - Only Fools Have Stopped Regular Mail When discussing dental marketing ideas with program members, I advise them that regular mail is still the way to go when reaching out for prospective clients who need their clinical skills and care. While many think e-mail is the way to go, we have learned that it is not a helpful as you would think. The latest numbers are in for consumers opening e-mail messages and there are lessons there for every practice.  [These numbers from the Direct Marketing Association which I am [...]

Dental Marketing Ideas-Email Open Rates – Only Fools Have Stopped Regular Mail2019-10-23T18:53:53-04:00
  • ethical selling dentistry

Ethical Selling Dentistry-Science of Discounting and Comprehensive Dentistry


Ethical Selling Dentistry-Science of Discounting and Comprehensive Dentistry Using the current behavioral science that big businesses apply to sales and discounting can be applied to ethical selling dentistry but most dentists, 95%, don't get it ! The WSJ cracked the door open today on a bit of the science that drives retailers discounting methods that spur purchases. The funny thing is, this information, is available for minimal cost for any clinician willing to take up the sleuthing hunt, gather it up, and apply it to their sales process. I did it in my own practice, [...]

Ethical Selling Dentistry-Science of Discounting and Comprehensive Dentistry2019-10-23T19:00:28-04:00
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