Ethical Selling Dentistry-Science of Discounting and Comprehensive Dentistry

ethical selling dentistry

Using the current behavioral science that big businesses apply to sales and discounting can be applied to ethical selling dentistry but most dentists, 95%, don’t get it !

The WSJ cracked the door open today on a bit of the science that drives retailers discounting methods that spur purchases.

The funny thing is, this information, is available for minimal cost for any clinician willing to take up the sleuthing hunt, gather it up, and apply it to their sales process. I did it in my own practice, developed my ethical selling system to help other dentists who “get it” and who now get to do larger cases and help more patients.

Did you know the same rules apply to your treatment plans?  The bigger and more complex the treatment plan, the more the psychology of the right type of discounting comes into play with a decision being made.  It can literally mean the difference between a complete treatment plan for cosmetic dentistry, implant dentistry, or sedation dentistry being accepted.

In fact, patients get the short end of the stick if we don’t hand them tools that behaviorally influence a better decision for them. That is all ethical selling dentistry is about. Helping the patient self qualify and choose the best option for their dental problems.  Sound profound?  It is…..

P.S.  We use the same science in the McAnally Selling System for ethically selling comprehensive dental care that we teach and dispense to our program members.

Go here to see my website or check out my #1 top selling book based on ethical selling dentistry sold on Amazon.