• Dental practice ads

Dental Practice Marketing- Advice about the 101 on Dental Signage


Dental Practice Marketing- Advice about the 101 on Dental Signage Dental Practice Marketing can be tricky for most dentists unless they know how to advertise their practice and expertise. I drive by a lot of Dental offices... and when I do, I mostly cringe at the incorrect ways dentists apply themselves to dental marketing and how they send out their message. No wonder consumers are confused. Most of these practice signs do a great job at being REPULSIVE while REPELLING patients. Here are the top 3 offenders: 1.    Bad Name – Just “Dentist” followed by [...]

Dental Practice Marketing- Advice about the 101 on Dental Signage2019-10-23T14:54:33-04:00
  • dental practice advice

Dental Practice Advice- DemandForce,Yelp, Google


Dental Practice Advice- DemandForce,Yelp, Google Since August of 2010 in my dental practice advice series I've been warning about now serious one needs to be taking online patient reviews for one's dental practice. Many general practices have been very lazy with this and have outsourced the task to services such as DemandForce. Google's revision of its' rules recently has left those lazy practices "high and dry" without many (or any) reviews following the rule change.  If those same practices had simply systematized how they go about putting/getting their reviews straight from patient to Google, they [...]

Dental Practice Advice- DemandForce,Yelp, Google2019-10-23T18:17:07-04:00
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