Social Media for All-on-4 / All-on-X?

2023-05-24T11:55:10-04:00 a nutshell total bunk, B.S., a waste of time and resources. The only thing even faintly close to social media that matters to a implant practice doing AOX cases are REVIEWS and PHOTOs of CASES treated that are posted/shown. When you look at all the types of advertising that we handle as an agency to find 36-100+ AOX cases annually for each client, you'll find almost no mention of Facebook, Instagram, etc.  It's absence speaks volumes. What To Focus On Instead The best use of time, energy, and money is to focus on WHERE patients are actively searching for [...]

Social Media for All-on-4 / All-on-X?2023-05-24T11:55:10-04:00
  • Dental Practice Marketing

Dental Practice Marketing-Social Media MUST Knows for Dentists


Dental Practice Marketing-Social Media MUST Knows for Dentists Social Media, People Magazine, Authenticity and You. As promised, for all those opting into our social sites, here the BIG things dentists need to understand about this “new” media in regards to dental practice marketing.  Understanding the big picture will drive all the small details. Fundamentally, here is NOT what this is going to do (at least right now).  Get this straight:  Social Media is NOT going to generate “boat-loads” of patients as plenty of b.s. up to their eyeballs hucksters pitching such to the profession. There [...]

Dental Practice Marketing-Social Media MUST Knows for Dentists2019-10-23T19:12:07-04:00
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