• ethical selling dentistry

Ethical Selling Dentistry-Science of Discounting and Comprehensive Dentistry


Ethical Selling Dentistry-Science of Discounting and Comprehensive Dentistry Using the current behavioral science that big businesses apply to sales and discounting can be applied to ethical selling dentistry but most dentists, 95%, don't get it ! The WSJ cracked the door open today on a bit of the science that drives retailers discounting methods that spur purchases. The funny thing is, this information, is available for minimal cost for any clinician willing to take up the sleuthing hunt, gather it up, and apply it to their sales process. I did it in my own practice, [...]

Ethical Selling Dentistry-Science of Discounting and Comprehensive Dentistry2019-10-23T19:00:28-04:00
  • Independent dentist

Independent Dentist-Why you need Ethical Selling Dentistry Systems


Independent Dentist-Why you need Ethical Selling Dentistry Systems For today's independent dentist, having a proven sales and marketing system in place is needed now more than ever before. While the economy is starting to show signs of life, the dental market remains forever changed following the “great recession.”  Most aren’t ready for the risk and opportunity. BECAUSE, here’s what you are up against…….. Fundamentally, the middle class that traditionally bought dentistry is gutted.  Yes, the upper 20% of the affluent are still on top and gaining ground but the rest of the middle class can [...]

Independent Dentist-Why you need Ethical Selling Dentistry Systems2019-10-23T19:15:45-04:00
  • Ethical Selling Dentistry

Ethical Selling Dentistry is Defined


Ethical Selling Dentistry is Defined Here’s my definition of ethical selling dentistry.  You heard it from me first. “Getting Patients emotionally engaged in a treatment result that is GOOD FOR THEM and getting them emotionally and intellectually committed to treatment.” Realize that most things pitched to emotionally engage an individual to purchase the good or service are NOT good for them (fast food, sugar coated everything, cigarettes, gas hogging cars, etc.).  Understanding this distinction, how could the professional NOT believe in ethical selling dentistry as something they can deliver that is really very very good [...]

Ethical Selling Dentistry is Defined2019-10-23T19:20:47-04:00
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