• Ethical selling dentistry

In Ethical Selling Dentistry- Important dental marketing statistics to know


In Ethical Selling Dentistry- Important dental marketing statistics to know Let's talk about the current marketing statistics and why you should be using an ethical selling dentistry sales system. Holidays are great. The downside is that when your role is to monitor a large stream of information that effects your member doctors there is a BIG backlog when one returns. I've just "digested" my backlog from Thanksgiving (and will literally finish off a delicious smoked turkey courtesy of Greenberg's in Tyler Texas--god bless the internet--today.... And here are some sobering numbers, gathered up from a [...]

In Ethical Selling Dentistry- Important dental marketing statistics to know2019-10-23T17:56:30-04:00
  • Ethical selling dentistry

Ethical Selling Dentistry and the science of Amost Tversky


Ethical Selling Dentistry and the science of Amost Tversky Amost Tversky's behavioral science can be applied to ethical selling dentistry. How much behavioral science do you understand and use to help your patients? I bet you’ve never heard of Amos Tversky and his studies are probably as important right now to you as G.V. Black’s were to dentists a billion years ago. During my podium presentation at the AAID meeting recently, I administered the Amos Tversky survival and loss/benefit test to the audience. Previous test subjects showed that when presented with health care options from [...]

Ethical Selling Dentistry and the science of Amost Tversky2019-10-23T17:57:51-04:00
  • Dental Implant Marketing

Dental Implant Marketing-ClearChoice & Dental Implant Public Seminars–What to Know


Dental Implant Marketing-ClearChoice & Dental Implant Public Seminars--What to Know In dental implant marketing one M.I.A. strategy for many practices looking for implant cases is the public seminar or open house concept. I'm in the midst of updating the how-to's of this evergreen strategy for our current Elite Members and future credentialed members who opt for that route in the online McAnally Selling System. Seminars/open houses ARE worth a test in most locations especially if certain technology components are present in the office.  It's outside the box thinking for most dentists with the skills to [...]

Dental Implant Marketing-ClearChoice & Dental Implant Public Seminars–What to Know2019-10-23T17:59:47-04:00
  • Dental Implant Marketing

AAID- discussing dental implant marketing and ethical selling dentistry


AAID- discussing dental implant marketing and ethical selling dentistry While discussing dental implant marketing at the AAID Vegas meeting, we also touched on ethical selling dentistry. AAID Vegas was a great meeting.  When big organizations such as the AAID are putting promotion of dental implant marketing and ethical selling dentistry in front of their members you know that the realities of what's required to use the advanced training from these symposiums and courses is truly sinking in with more members of the profession. I have been teaching my program members this for years. The old [...]

AAID- discussing dental implant marketing and ethical selling dentistry2019-10-23T18:00:28-04:00
  • ethical selling dentistry

Ethical Selling Dentistry-Loss positioning of treatment options


Ethical Selling Dentistry-Loss positioning of treatment options In Ethical Selling Dentistry, loss positioning of treatment options encourages good patient choices based on the behavioral science of top minds around the world. Heard of the Amos Tversky Survival and Thearpy Choice Scenario?  Dr. Sheena Iyengar explores this in 'The Art of Choosing' and it has profound implications for YOUR patient treatment plans and how ethical selling dentistry is applied. If you want to help more patients choose better treatment, take the time to learn something new.  Influence and decision making behavioral science is now about 55 [...]

Ethical Selling Dentistry-Loss positioning of treatment options2019-10-23T18:01:15-04:00

Fountain of Youth™ Denture–Cosmetic Denture Marketing


Fountain of Youth™ Denture--Cosmetic Denture Marketing Costmetic denture marketing and the "Fountain of Youth™ Denture". New to the entry of cosmetic denture training is some folks here on the East Coast teaching a " Fountain of Youth™denture which is essentially a gain getting the vertical/centric, lip support and tooth position correct.  Bravo to them for imparting better denture technique knowledge into the profession. A number of our members have always promoted cosmetic dentures successfully, I did so in my clinical practice and we teach how to promote this procedure in our Niche Marketing System found [...]

Fountain of Youth™ Denture–Cosmetic Denture Marketing2019-10-23T18:01:53-04:00
  • ethical selling dentistry

Ethical Selling Dentistry & Decision Fatigue


Ethical Selling Dentistry & Decision Fatigue I have researched behavioral science that helps good decision making when it comes to ethical selling dentistry Heard of decision fatigue?  Doubtful as most dentists left off their training in human behavior somewhere around dental school year 1. A bevy of scientists have been investigating this issue from a variety of angles:  Jonathan Levav, Standfrod, Shai Danziger, Ben-Gurion University, Israel,  Roy Baumeister, Case Western, Florida State, and Kathleen Vohs, University of Minnesota, Wilhelm Hofmann, Unveristy of Wurzburg, Holly Miller and Nathan DeWall, Univerisity of Kentucky, Dean Spears, Christian-Albrechts University [...]

Ethical Selling Dentistry & Decision Fatigue2019-10-23T18:12:57-04:00
  • ethical selling dentistry

What is Ethical Selling Dentistry?


What is Ethical Selling Dentistry? Ethical Selling Dentistry is- "Getting patients emotionally engaged with a treatment result that is good for them and emotionally and intellectually committed to treatment." While most dentists search in vain for one “special ad” that solves all problems with finding patients who demand specific services, the wisest in the profession understand that if a solid foundation of ethical selling dentistry is absent, any and all promotion will have diminished results. There is 50 years of evidenced based science on human behavior as it relates to decision making. And this science [...]

What is Ethical Selling Dentistry?2019-10-23T18:21:20-04:00
  • ethical selling dentistry

Patients Don’t Trust Anyone-Ethical Selling Dentistry is here to help


Patients Don't Trust Anyone-Ethical Selling Dentistry is here to help Ethical Selling Dentistry is here to counter all of the following: Patients don’t trust you.  Why should they? Patients Don't Trust Anyone:  What Are You Really Doing to Counter It? Here’s a few recent headlines from across the medical spectrum that deliver the point all too well.  AND…..these are just the stories that make it to the top (WSJ/NY TIMES).  Just imagine the hundreds happening at the local level! And by the way just because a headline is about physicians gaming the system doesn’t matter [...]

Patients Don’t Trust Anyone-Ethical Selling Dentistry is here to help2019-10-23T18:52:35-04:00
  • Ethical Selling Dentistry

Middle Class Dentistry a sinking ship-Ethical Selling Dentistry a must !


Middle Class Dentistry a sinking ship-Ethical Selling Dentistry a must ! Ethical selling dentistry is a must for every dentist who realizes that the middle class ship is sinking. Those inside the McAnally Selling System world, often hear discussions about why it’s more important know than ever to learn to systematically and ethically. This is from today’s WSJ—not “liberal” by any means (well maybe if you are a John Bircher….) has a nice concise summary of the exact thing I’ve been pointing out to our member dentists. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704828104576022002280730440.html?KEYWORDS=dickensian Here’s what Alan Binder, Princeton Economist and [...]

Middle Class Dentistry a sinking ship-Ethical Selling Dentistry a must !2019-10-23T18:53:11-04:00
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