Do You Follow Steps To Perform Your Procedures?


What's better, randomness or following steps? you randomly pick and choose steps in the procedures you perform based on your mood that day?  "Oh Mrs. Smith, anesthesia is the last step on my sorry this will hurt you more than me...." I have little doubt that you follow specific steps to perform your clinical procedures....otherwise you wouldn't have a license and you wouldn't be reading this. Following Steps Matters While every one gets THAT detail (procedures must follow steps to be predictable), only 5% get that the majority of success for selling cases beyond single tooth implant [...]

Do You Follow Steps To Perform Your Procedures?2023-05-24T11:54:34-04:00

Kvetchers and Believability


How believable are you to prospective patients? How hard have you worked to engineer believability when it comes to advanced procedures such as full arch implants / All-on-4 / All-on-X implants? Did you know believability will either help or hinder your advertising results? Here's a story about believability in the marketplace. About Believability Six years ago, I had a conference call with two docs in an area of South Florida with a lot of retirees.  One of them (a GP) was gung-ho on restoring a lot of All-on-4 cases.  The other (a periodontist) was simply on the call to kvetch [...]

Kvetchers and Believability2023-05-24T11:56:15-04:00

How Credible Are You Compared To Other All-on-X Doctors?


To treat All-on-X cases regularly, it's mandatory that you have effective specialty All-on-X advertising and operate your sales process at a level similar to ClearChoice (e.g MBA Level). To treat a LOT of cases, you have to be more credible than others around you who are also advertising to the public for All-on-X cases. The more local competition there is, the more credible you need to be seen as compared to other choices around you. What Is Credibility? Credibility can be easily engineered with guidance. Credibility means how you position your skills, practice environment, technique, AND in what patients say about [...]

How Credible Are You Compared To Other All-on-X Doctors?2023-05-24T12:05:53-04:00
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