Case Study #6: All-on-X Practice Success


We can talk till the cows come home about how many full arch implant cases we send our members annually (3500 in the latest year), how we are #1 in Medicare reimbursement for oral surgery/implants and Google's #1 full arch implant digital advertiser internationally (US, UK, Canada, and Australia) based on their objective metrics. How are network of independent practices have been competing and winning against ClearChoice for 10+ years. We can talk about all that, but the REAL proof is when our member dentists tell their experiences and stories. Here's just that. Case Study #6 involves $500K a month in [...]

Case Study #6: All-on-X Practice Success2023-05-24T12:17:47-04:00

The FORMULA That Unlocks an Abundance of Full-Arch Cases


Today, I'm going to let you in on another secret. THE FORMULA that unlocks full arch implant cases month after month and year after year and that has been working for 17+ years in our longest term member's practice. The Formula for Full-Arch Success In the last few posts, we've covered truths about what prevents dentists from performing these life changing immediate loading modalities of implantology (or from referring their patients to providers who do perform these procedures). Another TRUTH in this niche area of clinical expertise is that most with the technical acumen to perform full arch immediate loading [...]

The FORMULA That Unlocks an Abundance of Full-Arch Cases2023-05-24T12:20:03-04:00

Full-Arch Cases and The Secret About Help


Here is a fundamental truth that few implant dentists understand. "The more you allow yourself and team to be helped, the more patients you and your team are allowed to help." When I analyze my top-performing doctors for full-arch cases who have been with us for more than a decade, they ALL have this same thing in common. Not only did they allow me and my team to help them so they could go on to help and heal more patients but THAT behavior of getting help has been a consistent aspect of their practice for decades. "I get help for [...]

Full-Arch Cases and The Secret About Help2023-05-24T12:20:45-04:00

MBA-Level Sales and All-on-X Practices


Why not do more cases in general in your office beyond our proven advertising? Training in the #1 advanced case sales process is a mandatory part of the Full-Arch Program that guarantees at least 3 or more All-on-X arches each month from our proven advertising. As a result, it's not unusual for practices to report selling more and bigger cases throughout their practice beyond our proven advertising due to the MBA-level sales training we provide to each member practice. The MBA-Level Difference In these practices, program fees are being returned at even higher returns because of the additional cases! If you [...]

MBA-Level Sales and All-on-X Practices2023-05-24T12:21:24-04:00

Case Study #5: All-on-X Practice Success


Case studies are important and valuable. We can talk till the cows come home about how many full-arch implant cases we send our members monthly and annually, how we are the longest-running specialty dental implant advertising agency in existence (15+ years), how we are #1 in Medicare reimbursement for oral surgery/implants and the #1 national US competitor to ClearChoice for 10+ years of head-to-head competition. We can also point out how far ahead we are compared to the runner-ups behind us who try to mimic our work... but the REAL proof is when our member dentists tell their experiences and stories. [...]

Case Study #5: All-on-X Practice Success2023-05-24T12:22:03-04:00

What Prevents Most from Doing More Full-Arch Implant Cases


When is the last time a patient wrote a check for $50,000 to your practice? What about $25,000? When I lecture in full-arch implant courses where All-on-4/X is taught, perhaps 1 out of 40 doctors in the room has seen a $50,000 check once or twice in his/her career which means 39 docs haven't seen a check like that EVER! AND... many of the 39 don't believe it's even possible! The crazy part is that 100% of those docs sitting in that kind of room/course are there to learn techniques that cost as much OR MORE to the average patient they [...]

What Prevents Most from Doing More Full-Arch Implant Cases2023-05-24T12:22:57-04:00

Case Study #4: All-on-X Practice Success


We can talk till the cows come home about how many full-arch All-on-X implant cases we send our members, how we are #1 in Medicare reimbursement for oral surgery/implants, #1 in digital ads served across the Google network, and #1 in Trusted Advisor Sales Process Training for advanced dentists. We can also talk about how great we are compared to all the runner-ups lagging and/or attempting to copy what we do... but the REAL proof is when our member dentists tell their experiences and stories. All-on-X Case Study Here's just that Implant Practice Case Success Study #4: An MAGD from an [...]

Case Study #4: All-on-X Practice Success2023-05-24T12:23:40-04:00

Let’s Heal Patients with All-on-X


I'm an oddball. I run the No. 1 specialty advertising agency focusing on dental implants and have a lengthy clinical background outside of my unique background in the study of advertising and sales. I know that my team and my skills in advertising dental implants deliver All-on-X patients to practices AND, as a result, MORE patients are healed. If we weren't #1 in what we do, far fewer patients would wind up being healed with the best that implantology offers. Annually our doctors will treat in total 3500+ arches. That's a lot of patient lives transformed BUT it's not enough! Our [...]

Let’s Heal Patients with All-on-X2023-05-24T12:26:34-04:00

Case Study #3: All-on-X Implant Practice Success


We've got yet another example of practice success for our all-on-x advertising program. This time, it's a doctor from the East Coast. Thanks to the Full-Arch Program, the doc experienced personal bests, even during the public health crisis and with tons of local competition. All-on-X Case Study Ready to see how the doc did it? Check out the case study below. Click here to have your one-on-one discussion about all of this with Dr. McAnally. Full-Arch Program Testimonials "Thanks to James and the Full-Arch Program, we treat a full arch case every week. I'm having the most fun ever in my [...]

Case Study #3: All-on-X Implant Practice Success2023-05-24T12:27:25-04:00

Secrets In Advertising All-on-X Cases


Here's a secret critical to understand related to today's implant patients and cases and the specialty All-on-X advertising we produce, place, and manage for our member practices in the Full-Arch Program: Gone are the days when implant patients were mostly those in dentures. Yes, there are on occasion denture wearers who still need and who will buy dental implants, but the majority of cases right now are those in terminal dentitions (the ailing/failing dentition). This means most immediate loading cases (and the advertising that drives awareness, consults, and All-on-X cases in operatories) is not focused on those wearing dentures but on [...]

Secrets In Advertising All-on-X Cases2023-05-24T12:28:05-04:00
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