• Independent dentist

The Independent Dentist and Advertising-an expense or investment?


The Independent Dentist and Advertising-an expense or investment? For the independent dentist who considers advertising......which is it........and expense or or an investment ? Only a few years ago, advertising by dentists was prohibited and the playing field was level for all. But things have changed and advertising has become a necessary expense for dentists in private practices who want to remain independent of insurance dictates and who don’t want to be overpowered by low-cost commercial dental chains with big ad budgets aimed at creating volume by heavily discounting services. Without reaching out to the public, [...]

The Independent Dentist and Advertising-an expense or investment?2019-10-23T16:01:41-04:00
  • Dental practice management of budget

Dental Practice Management of Your Marketing Budget—the real truth. Part 2


Dental Practice Management of Your Marketing Budget—the real truth. Part 2 The most astute dentists when dealing with dental practice management of budgets (certainly many of our Program members are in that category), often have an epiphany moment when they look at their gross fee production/collection/write-off tally in a given year and find that on $1M in gross fees, $100K went to insurance write-offs and the proverbial light bulb lights up that this is both unacceptable and that they could do bigger and better things without the insurance companies “help.” Speaking from personal experience both [...]

Dental Practice Management of Your Marketing Budget—the real truth. Part 22019-10-23T16:23:57-04:00
  • Independent dentists

Independent Dentists and Competition -why it’s a good thing to strive for Un-equality


Independent Dentists and Competition -why it's a good thing to strive for Un-equality Independent dentists as business owner's why is it important to understand and care (very much) about the concept of becoming “un-equal’ in your market against the competition ? Because ultimately, how ‘un-equal’ you are in the eyes  of the prospective and existing patient ties directly to your ability to stay independent from the tentacles of insurance discounting and to command full fees for whatever service you enjoy the most.  Dentists who are the most equal in the eyes of the public have [...]

Independent Dentists and Competition -why it’s a good thing to strive for Un-equality2019-10-23T16:31:56-04:00
  • Dental practice marketing

Dental Practice Marketing and what you need to know about dental conformity in mindset


Dental Practice Marketing and what you need to know about dental conformity in mindset Why do some dentists using dental practice marketing tools break free from conformity in the areas that matter and others don't? At least one reason is because of the unfounded fear of leaving behind what everyone else is doing even though they are wrong. Becoming a dentist often results in thinking and behavioral patterns of conformity.  When it comes to basic, standardized services, this is actually a good thing.  Public trust in all licensed professions rests on being able to get [...]

Dental Practice Marketing and what you need to know about dental conformity in mindset2019-10-23T16:34:26-04:00
  • Dental marketing ideas

Dental Marketing Ideas and What Messages to Send to Patients and Prospective Patients that Motivate


Dental Marketing Ideas and What Messages to Send to Patients and Prospective Patients that Motivate At the end of each year you should be considering your dental marketing ideas and how to motivate patients in the next year. Did you know that much of the business of your practice runs on an annual cycle and many aspects of that cycle can be best managed by firstly realizing the cycle exists and then addressing it as part of an annual calendar planning session.  There are nuances in most markets, slow months that occur in a location, [...]

Dental Marketing Ideas and What Messages to Send to Patients and Prospective Patients that Motivate2019-10-23T16:36:56-04:00
  • dental practice advice

Dental Marketing Ideas-Elegant Marketing Is Dope


Dental Marketing Ideas-Elegant Marketing Is Dope One of my key dental marketing ideas is that keeping it simple and elegant gets the job done and the patient more likely to accept your case presentation every time. Elegant is an under-used word and operational mindset in today's world. -Here's one of the official definitions: -Displaying effortless beauty and simplicity in movement or execution -Refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style -Simple and precise The urban dictionary would throw in.... 'Without being trashy or common....' I believe that systems of every kind need to be [...]

Dental Marketing Ideas-Elegant Marketing Is Dope2019-10-23T16:44:53-04:00
  • Ethical Selling Dentistry

Lessons from Strawberries in ethical selling dentistry


Lessons from Strawberries in ethical selling dentistry In my new book (available at Amazon.com), I talk a lot about readiness when it comes to ethical selling dentistry and marketing as well as the three types of patients that exist. Recently, something crossed my desk from a friend who works in another health arena related to the strawberry patch he maintains in his backyard. To get a great strawberry you either have to grow it yourself, go to the farm, or have a great local grocery store (back in Seattle Thriftway/Metropolitan Market always had some of [...]

Lessons from Strawberries in ethical selling dentistry2019-10-23T16:47:26-04:00
  • Dental Practice Marketing

In Dental Practice Marketing You Have to Plan around Seasons


In Dental Practice Marketing You Have to Plan around Seasons Are you REALLY open for business? In dental practice marketing you have to be aware of the highs and lows based on the  seasons of the year. Every year we go through pretty much the same routine related to the windows of business that come and go. These windows open and close based on habit and season. For very good reasons (weather being one of them, summer is slow for many types of businesses and busy for others.  Historical lows during the cycle are either [...]

In Dental Practice Marketing You Have to Plan around Seasons2019-10-23T16:48:09-04:00

Dental Practice Marketing for Denture Fountain of Youth™


Dental Practice Marketing for Denture Fountain of Youth™ Remember how I've discussed Denture Fountain of Youth™ in dental practice marketing in the past? That topic is on my mind as I just spent a half day in private consulting where we were discussing the results from customized dental practice marketing of Denture Fountain of Youth™ that I designed for one of our client practices that created a $45,000 Denture Fountain of Youth™  day in the practice.  FYI: Simply attending that course won't result in that by "magic" for any Tom Dick or Harriett...there's more to it [...]

Dental Practice Marketing for Denture Fountain of Youth™2019-10-23T16:54:17-04:00
  • dental practice marketing

What is Your Most Valuable Asset in Dental Marketing Strategies


What is Your Most Valuable Asset in Dental Marketing Strategies When it comes to dental marketing strategies and how to improve your bottom line, what is your most valuable asset ? Dental business owners are no different than any other small business owner; they usually don't know what their most valuable asset is... Some think it's the equity in their home, or investments, or savings account. If you guessed your business or dental license, you'd be a bit closer. Hands down, if treated with care, your most valuable asset is your list of prospects and [...]

What is Your Most Valuable Asset in Dental Marketing Strategies2019-10-23T16:55:04-04:00
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