• Dental Practice Marketing

Dental Practice Marketing-Why it is so different


Dental Practice Marketing-Why it is so different In Dental Practice Marketing,  learn here how to create  your niche to ethically sell your favorite dentistry. Ethically sell to patients wanting your best services. You can spend thousands monthly on advertising with lackluster results. Our proven selling (dental case acceptance) system is an ethical, step-by-step process to close large niche cases (implants, Cerec, reconstructions, cosmetics, fast ortho, etc.) and improve total advertising returns by 25% or more. Elite clinicians gain control of their time, increase satisfaction levels, and make a difference in more patient's lives. Whether you [...]

Dental Practice Marketing-Why it is so different2019-10-23T18:07:50-04:00
  • Dentistry news

Dentistry News: Anything New?


Dentistry News: Anything New? Two items crossing my desk this morning of note in dentistry news. Item #1.  August 15th's ADA News.  Am I in a time warp or what?  While you won't have any of the pertinent news in this publication that actually effects practices what you will find is the following: "Barriers statement" discussing those who don't have dental care.  Same discussion as the one I observed BEFORE I was in dental school in the 80's and that has continued to this day.  Not new no dentistry news !! "University reaches out to [...]

Dentistry News: Anything New?2019-10-23T18:09:06-04:00
  • dental practice marketing

Dental Marketing Strategies


Dental Marketing Strategies Do you have Dental Marketing Strategies in Place to attract new patients ? According to a recent survey, 90% of dentists believe they have ABOVE AVERAGE clinical skills. Superior clinical skills don't guarantee the success of a dental practice. Clinical skills are undoubtedly a necessary ingredient for a successful dental practice but we're in a very tough economy and the new reality is that  dental marketing strategies and ethical selling are just as important if you want to stand out from the pack so that patients value your services over discounters.  No [...]

Dental Marketing Strategies2019-10-23T18:19:49-04:00
  • Dental Practice Marketing

Dental Practice Marketing-The Specifics of Closing Large Fee Cases


Dental Practice Marketing-The Specifics of Closing Large Fee Cases Are you applying dental practice marketing as a business owner in your practice ? Most likely you are not and you are losing out and missing many patients who could use your clinical skills. Attracting and closing larger fee-for-service cases combines the science of marketing and the science of influencing human behavior and decision making. It is a specialized field of study that you probably never experienced as it’s not advocated or taught in dental schools, in CE courses or residencies, at dental conventions, any consulting [...]

Dental Practice Marketing-The Specifics of Closing Large Fee Cases2019-10-23T18:21:36-04:00
  • Ethically Selling Dentistry

Dentistry News-An open letter to Washington State Dentists regarding WDS (Delta Dental)


Dentistry News-An open letter to Washington State Dentists regarding WDS (Delta Dental) In dentistry news, Change is in the air.....are  you ready.......Delta Schmelta !! You are more likely experiencing consternation in dentistry news about the issue in Washington State related to Delta’s recent very sound business decision to stay abundantly profitable by cutting their reimbursements (some would say IV drip) to you—they are making economic decisions just as you must. As a national consultant constantly watching for dentistry news, with a bird’s eye view across the land, and as one of the rare 1 in [...]

Dentistry News-An open letter to Washington State Dentists regarding WDS (Delta Dental)2019-10-23T18:23:36-04:00
  • Dental Practice Marketing

You are spending $50,000-$100,000 on Dental Practice Marketing and You Don’t Even Know It


You are spending $50,000-$100,000 on Dental Practice Marketing and You Don't Even Know It Hidden Dental Practice Marketing Expenses You are paying for marketing like it or not In a recent conversation with a dentist, I asked, “How much do you spend on dental practice marketing each year?” The response was “I don’t’ market or advertise so I have no expense”. My next question was “How much do you write off each year to the insurance companies?” His response: $85,000. What this dentist didn’t realize was that an $85K write-off to the insurance company WAS [...]

You are spending $50,000-$100,000 on Dental Practice Marketing and You Don’t Even Know It2019-10-23T18:48:07-04:00
  • dental practice marketing

Dental Practice Marketing-Focusing on the “insured” middle class not a good idea


Dental Practice Marketing-Focusing on the "insured" middle class not a good idea When discussing dental practice marketing I notice that for dentists focusing on the "insured" middle class--the digging is getting harder. While the data is sound, this is going to be a bit of a rant…..so get ready….it’s intended as a wake-up call to a few more in the profession who are asleep at the helm unaware of the iceberg ahead that makes the sinking of the Titanic look like like a minor event. This missive is mostly for the U.S. dentist but it [...]

Dental Practice Marketing-Focusing on the “insured” middle class not a good idea2019-10-23T18:50:06-04:00
  • Dental consultant

A Dental Consultant-A look back at James’ predictions…..


A Dental Consultant-A look back at James' predictions..... As a dental consultant I have to be very focused for my program members on events both past and current and how they apply to the economics of dentistry and where we are headed. It’s funny to look back over a decade ago. An article rejected for publication at the time by those “forward thinkers” at Dental Economics……was the seed of genesis of an International consulting business (Big Case Marketing) and the foundation of a sales training program aimed at doing just what’s described in the article [...]

A Dental Consultant-A look back at James’ predictions…..2019-10-23T18:52:00-04:00
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