Full-Arch Program Clinical Mentoring: We Got Your Back!


Clinical mentoring can be your solution for selling more big cases! It's important to have clinical mentoring, especially when advanced immediate or near-immediate loading implant procedures such as All-on-4, All-on-6, Teeth Tomorrow, XPress, Hybridge, etc. are involved. In fact, clinical mentoring might be your best chance to even start selling big cases like full-arch implants. Credentials That Matter There's only one specialty dental implant advertising agency and Full Arch / All-on-X Advertising Program in our profession that is run by an active clinical license holder, run by someone with both the professionalism of and the title of "doctor," [...]

Full-Arch Program Clinical Mentoring: We Got Your Back!2023-05-26T09:50:58-04:00

5 Common Questions About Medicare Dental Implants


When it comes to Medicare, most people (including dentists) are under the impression that it is only for medical procedures and has nothing to do with dentistry. If more dentists knew about the Medicare Money Program, however, they would see that they can get paid as much as 25-50 percent of the total treatment plan cost for qualifying procedures. How is this possible? How could so many people be mistaken about the Medicare Money Program? The key is with dental implants. Let's go over some of the most common questions related to Medicare and dental implants to help you see [...]

5 Common Questions About Medicare Dental Implants2023-05-26T09:52:02-04:00
  • Dental practice ads

Dental Practice Marketing- Advice about the 101 on Dental Signage


Dental Practice Marketing- Advice about the 101 on Dental Signage Dental Practice Marketing can be tricky for most dentists unless they know how to advertise their practice and expertise. I drive by a lot of Dental offices... and when I do, I mostly cringe at the incorrect ways dentists apply themselves to dental marketing and how they send out their message. No wonder consumers are confused. Most of these practice signs do a great job at being REPULSIVE while REPELLING patients. Here are the top 3 offenders: 1.    Bad Name – Just “Dentist” followed by [...]

Dental Practice Marketing- Advice about the 101 on Dental Signage2019-10-23T14:54:33-04:00
  • Dental Practice Marketing

Dental Practice Marketing and Using the Media


Dental Practice Marketing and Using the Media In dental practice marketing it's not often that a national media source which reaches millions hands the dentist a home run. Usually, it's an expose showing the less savory side of the licensed professions.  You know the stories:  Things like orthopedic surgeons doing surgeries that don't need to be done, physician ilk that defraud medicare, and in the last year, dentists who disregard additional radiation delivered in the CBCT arena... So....when we get our stories that are positive, you have to run with it and use it for [...]

Dental Practice Marketing and Using the Media2019-10-23T17:36:34-04:00
  • Ethical Selling Dentistry

Independent Dentist and The Permanent Dental Recession


Independent Dentist and The Permanent Dental Recession For the Independent Dentist here is Economic Reality We recently went through a recession and it's possible depending on whose economic tea leaves that we're headed to another dip into two consecutive quarters of negative growth. Whether the double dip becomes reality or not is really irrelevant because we're in the midst of an economic change just as big as the one brought on by the industrial age. For a year, I've been talking about something called an economic "Value creation funk" being at the root of our [...]

Independent Dentist and The Permanent Dental Recession2019-10-23T18:02:33-04:00
  • Dental Practice Marketing

Dental Practice Marketing-Why it is so different


Dental Practice Marketing-Why it is so different In Dental Practice Marketing,  learn here how to create  your niche to ethically sell your favorite dentistry. Ethically sell to patients wanting your best services. You can spend thousands monthly on advertising with lackluster results. Our proven selling (dental case acceptance) system is an ethical, step-by-step process to close large niche cases (implants, Cerec, reconstructions, cosmetics, fast ortho, etc.) and improve total advertising returns by 25% or more. Elite clinicians gain control of their time, increase satisfaction levels, and make a difference in more patient's lives. Whether you [...]

Dental Practice Marketing-Why it is so different2019-10-23T18:07:50-04:00

In Dental Practice Time Management-Do you take Friday’s off for dental marketing success?


In Dental Practice Time Management-Do you take Friday's off for dental marketing success? Do you worry about the practice  and dental practice time management ? Feel like driving past sometimes and playing "hooky"? Do you feel most happy hiding in your private office, doors closed; away from your patients and staff? Do you cringe when asked, "What do you do for a living?" When you go to a CE course, do you have a difficult time relating to the other dentists and think, "I don't feel like I fit in here!" If you had a [...]

In Dental Practice Time Management-Do you take Friday’s off for dental marketing success?2019-10-23T18:15:08-04:00
  • Indpendent dentist

Independent Dentist-Countering Poor Economy


Independent Dentist-Countering Poor Economy The independent dentist is never more so at risk of losing his/her practice given the poor state of the economy and a shrinking middle class. My program members know that I keep talking about something called the "new dental economy" which is literally the permanent change in consumer discretionary spending and buying power in the post-credit bust world.  Anyone practicing in the industrialized west minus those who are net exporters (Germany), have significant commodity wealth (Australia, Canada Norway), or who have net capital inflows thanks to short-term interest rates (New Zealand) [...]

Independent Dentist-Countering Poor Economy2019-10-23T18:18:20-04:00
  • dental practice marketing

Dental Marketing Strategies


Dental Marketing Strategies Do you have Dental Marketing Strategies in Place to attract new patients ? According to a recent survey, 90% of dentists believe they have ABOVE AVERAGE clinical skills. Superior clinical skills don't guarantee the success of a dental practice. Clinical skills are undoubtedly a necessary ingredient for a successful dental practice but we're in a very tough economy and the new reality is that  dental marketing strategies and ethical selling are just as important if you want to stand out from the pack so that patients value your services over discounters.  No [...]

Dental Marketing Strategies2019-10-23T18:19:49-04:00
  • ethical selling dentistry

What is Ethical Selling Dentistry?


What is Ethical Selling Dentistry? Ethical Selling Dentistry is- "Getting patients emotionally engaged with a treatment result that is good for them and emotionally and intellectually committed to treatment." While most dentists search in vain for one “special ad” that solves all problems with finding patients who demand specific services, the wisest in the profession understand that if a solid foundation of ethical selling dentistry is absent, any and all promotion will have diminished results. There is 50 years of evidenced based science on human behavior as it relates to decision making. And this science [...]

What is Ethical Selling Dentistry?2019-10-23T18:21:20-04:00
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