Big Case Marketing Blog

  • dental practice advice

Dental Practice Advice-Here’s a few things CE course providers are NOT going to share with you.


Dental Practice Advice-Here's a few things CE course providers are NOT going to share with you. In the dental practice advice category so far, we’ve covered, trade journals and major meetings. Now let’s talk about clinical “CE” courses.  [Once again, if there is no direct hands on surgery or lab work of some kind to be imparted with you touching a patient or a physical model, it’s time to break your habit.  I’m sure you can find other more pressing things to do with the time and money!] While "positioned" as clinical education, in MOST [...]

Dental Practice Advice-Here’s a few things CE course providers are NOT going to share with you.2019-10-23T17:16:07-04:00
  • dental practice advice

Dental Practice Advice-The hidden unspoken agenda at major professional meetings is….


Dental Practice Advice-The hidden unspoken agenda at major professional meetings is.... To continue on my dental practice advice regarding dental meetings and what goes on at them. Last week, we talked about how equipment makers and a supply houses via the courtesy of big marketing dollars have a virtual strong-hold on editorial content in the major journals. Now for the big professional meetings.  Why isn’t there more reality of the economics of practice being shared from the podiums? Well, next time you venture out to a major meeting, take my dental practice advice and look [...]

Dental Practice Advice-The hidden unspoken agenda at major professional meetings is….2019-10-23T17:17:04-04:00
  • dental practice advice

Dental Practice Advice-What the dental trade journals don’t want you to know.


Dental Practice Advice-What the dental trade journals don't want you to know. In my dental practice advice series lets talk about trade journals and what they don't want you to know. Did you ever wonder why trade journals featuring clinical CE and/or the latest technical gear don't talk about dealing with the challenges faced with actually having patients want the procedures and the latest in technology being sold to the dentist? Did you know that at major professional clinical meetings, it’s "verboten" to talk about the real day-to-day issues of how dentistry gets paid for [...]

Dental Practice Advice-What the dental trade journals don’t want you to know.2019-10-23T17:17:42-04:00
  • dental practice advice

Dental Practice Advice-Why worrying about your competitors is a big waste of time and energy.


Dental Practice Advice-Why worrying about your competitors is a big waste of time and energy. In my dental practice advice series I tell my dentist members that worrying about your competitors is a waste of time and does not accomplish anything. Since there are practically two dentists on every block, it is very tempting to pay attention to what they are all doing. For "fun" some dentists drive around on their day off looking at how many cars are competitor’s parking lots or in big buildings full of dentists seeing how many patients are in [...]

Dental Practice Advice-Why worrying about your competitors is a big waste of time and energy.2019-10-23T17:18:20-04:00
  • Independent dentist

Dental Practice Advice-it’s lonely at the top of even the smallest mountain.


Dental Practice Advice-it's lonely at the top of even the smallest mountain. In my dental practice advice series lets discuss how it can be lonely at the top. It's lonely being in charge. It's not uncommon for dentists and other small business owners as independent dentists to feel lonely in their business venture. I used to feel just like that until I cleared up my thinking on this and took my own dental practice advice which I now share with other dentist members of my program. One reason a fair number of dentists attend seminars [...]

Dental Practice Advice-it’s lonely at the top of even the smallest mountain.2019-10-23T17:18:58-04:00
  • Dental Consultant

The Dental Consultant and You


The Dental Consultant and You Let us talk about the dental consultant............ I truly believe most consultants in dentistry are really trying to help doctors and the profession. I truly believe their hearts are in the right place. I'm going to be bold today and tell you that most of what's out there being sold, besides the very most basic administrative systems (which are pretty much timeless), are things designed for a different era of fee-for service dentistry that no longer exists. We'll call it the "easy era" where anyone who wasn't a true ogre [...]

The Dental Consultant and You2019-10-23T17:19:43-04:00
  • Ethical selling dentistry

In Ethical Selling Dentistry-Consistency is Another under-rated virtue.


In Ethical Selling Dentistry-Consistency is Another under-rated virtue. While discussing ethical selling dentistry recently with program members, confidence and why it's so important was on the discussion list. Consistency is just as under-rated as confidence! Unfortunate, since consistency is a big deal in relationships and most certainly when it comes to ethical selling dentistry. If and when patients experience breakdown of any kind... * a breakdown in UNDERSTANDABLE communication * a breakdown in quality of care and in PAIN-FREE care * a break down in cleanliness in facility * a breakdown in professionalism by doctor [...]

In Ethical Selling Dentistry-Consistency is Another under-rated virtue.2019-10-23T17:20:23-04:00
  • Dental Practice Advice

What you need to clean up and out in dental practice advice


What you need to clean up and out in dental practice advice When consulting with my dentist members some simple dental practice advice is to eliminate what you don't use regularly or need in the practice. Simplify !! It's human nature to collect what you don't need and just as easily to ignore what you could really use of value. Just completed a clean-up of several closets and the kitchen pantry.  4 giant boxes easily eliminated without much pain and suffering. Look inside your kitchen cabinets... how much stuff do you rarely, if ever, or [...]

What you need to clean up and out in dental practice advice2019-10-23T17:21:01-04:00
  • Independent dentist

For the Independent Dentist-Off Means OFF.


For the Independent Dentist-Off Means OFF. The Independent Dentist as professionals and entrepreneurs are prone to think in terms of putting in lots of hours and never taking time off for a variety of reasons. Did you know that efficiency rates drop dramatically after too many hours or days in a row occur in your work (especially in thinking jobs of which yours is!)? One simply can't keep up mentally or physically.  Bad decision making and errors proliferate.  There is an entire body of science behind this. I am a strong believer in devoting enough [...]

For the Independent Dentist-Off Means OFF.2019-10-23T17:29:50-04:00

For the Independent Dentist-Confidence is far more than clinical skills.


For the Independent Dentist-Confidence is far more than clinical skills. Often for the independent dentist, the issue of confidence comes up. Without confidence, nothing works.  It is one of the most critical emotions to nurture and project yet so undervalued in the profession much to the average dentists detriment. Confidence comes from a lot of things....all a bit different for each of us.  I keep a list of 10 things that make me feel confident and protect those things. To name a few things that most people have in common that creates a more confident [...]

For the Independent Dentist-Confidence is far more than clinical skills.2019-10-23T17:30:35-04:00
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