Our Expertise Exclusive To YOUR Practice


When it comes to niche full arch implant service advertising, it's important to have a market exclusive relationship for both the ads bringing your cases and the strategies employed on your behalf that are specific to your market location. Here's why. What Successful Implant Marketing Takes With all All-on-X, it's a numbers game. It takes... ...so many phone calls to that lead to... ...so many consults that lead to... ...so many complete dental physicals that ultimately generate the desire number of monthly  case starts. Whether the goal is 3, 6, 12, or 30 arches per month, we have a fairly certain idea [...]

Our Expertise Exclusive To YOUR Practice2023-05-24T11:59:49-04:00

Implant Case Presentation Is Not What You Were Taught In Dental School


Have you spent many thousands of dollars on implant advertising and you received leads, but not many leads ended up as cases? Is your local area saturated by corporate chains like ClearChoice, Aspen Dental, Heartland, Affordable Dentures & Implants, and others? Do you hate the feeling of being a salesperson who needs to “close” people on treatments? Does what you’ve been told related to sales in dental implant CE courses feel like it doesn’t belong in a professional practice or sound ‘gimmicky?’ Are you still presenting your implant cases as taught to you in dental school with lists of procedures, codes, [...]

Implant Case Presentation Is Not What You Were Taught In Dental School2023-05-24T12:01:23-04:00
  • Dental Consultant

Dental Consultants-What You Don’t Know about Consultants


Dental Consultants-What You Don’t Know about Consultants There are a lot of very good consulting programs and dental consultants and gurus out there. Scheduling Institute, Blatchford, Pride, Miles, Jameson, etc. Some are quiet behind the scenes types that you have to decrypt a special code to track down, some scream at you from a big stage using subliminal selling methods on you leaving you wondering how it is your credit card got out of your wallet or what the heck you bought, others come up through the real world ranks of being at chair side and having [...]

Dental Consultants-What You Don’t Know about Consultants2019-10-23T12:14:03-04:00
  • dental consultant

Dental Consultant advice-Getting more out of each day, week, year, life.


Dental Consultant advice-Getting more out of each day, week, year, life. As a dental consultant ,I'm a productivity nut. The bug bit me hard when I had an insurance driven "treadmill" practice and it stuck with me when I had a low volume/excellent productivity/minimal hour practice and it continues in anything I'm involved in now. We are in an age where it has never been easier to commit to more hours than we have physically or emotionally are capable of doing well.  It pays to get smart about this as I continually remind my dentist [...]

Dental Consultant advice-Getting more out of each day, week, year, life.2019-10-23T17:11:34-04:00
  • Dental Consultant

Dental Consultant says beware of…


Dental Consultant says beware of... As a dental consultant I urge my clients to be aware of one of the biggest secrets in dentistry that's hidden in plain sight. So.....what’s the secret? Well....here it is. "Stuff" doesn't sell itself.  Worth repeating....  In fact, almost NOTHING besides those things that fulfill basic of human desires-needs (food, shelter, protection, or sex) sells itself.   In the medical arts, pain relief is what sells itself. For dentistry I have learned as a dentist myself and as a dental consultant that the "stuff" is disposables, equipment, or advanced techniques learned [...]

Dental Consultant says beware of…2019-10-23T17:15:25-04:00
  • Dental Consultant

The Dental Consultant and You


The Dental Consultant and You Let us talk about the dental consultant............ I truly believe most consultants in dentistry are really trying to help doctors and the profession. I truly believe their hearts are in the right place. I'm going to be bold today and tell you that most of what's out there being sold, besides the very most basic administrative systems (which are pretty much timeless), are things designed for a different era of fee-for service dentistry that no longer exists. We'll call it the "easy era" where anyone who wasn't a true ogre [...]

The Dental Consultant and You2019-10-23T17:19:43-04:00

Dentistry Today names Dr. McAnally top dental consultant


Dentistry Today names Dr. McAnally top dental consultant In dental consultant news, Dentistry Today names Dr. James McAnally top consultant once again. Newton (MA), Miami Beach (FL):  Dentistry Today, one of dentistry's most widely distributed and read trade magazines has named Dr. James McAnally, CEO, Big Case Marketing and President, Master Dentists Academy as a top consultant.  This marks the 5th year, in a row, that the publication has named Dr. McAnally to its annual list for his expertise in marketing and promotion of professional practices and in ethical selling professional services. He is dental [...]

Dentistry Today names Dr. McAnally top dental consultant2019-10-23T17:55:17-04:00
  • Dental Consultant

A Dental Consultant Who was Never a Dentist???


A Dental Consultant Who was Never a Dentist??? To be a great dental consultant, it is best if the person was a dentist first. It's hard to understand what goes on in a dental practice unless you've lived it. It's one of the unique things we bring to member dentists in all of our Programs.  Nearly a hundred years of direct experience in dentistry in my family and 50 years+ between my COO and I. Think about it. Do you really want a dental consultant who does not know how to perform all the clinical [...]

A Dental Consultant Who was Never a Dentist???2019-10-23T18:10:47-04:00
  • Dental consultant

A Dental Consultant-A look back at James’ predictions…..


A Dental Consultant-A look back at James' predictions..... As a dental consultant I have to be very focused for my program members on events both past and current and how they apply to the economics of dentistry and where we are headed. It’s funny to look back over a decade ago. An article rejected for publication at the time by those “forward thinkers” at Dental Economics……was the seed of genesis of an International consulting business (Big Case Marketing) and the foundation of a sales training program aimed at doing just what’s described in the article [...]

A Dental Consultant-A look back at James’ predictions…..2019-10-23T18:52:00-04:00
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