Why I Became A Student of the Sales Process


Why I became a student of sales process and why ClearChoice and every implant practice owner serious about treating multiple full arch cases weekly or daily is also a student of the same. Well, tough personal real-world experience where my advertising dollars were on the line forced me to leave my comfort zone as a typical implant practitioner to find answers otherwise I had no business advertising for these patients.  On my personal journey to treating 50 full arch implant cases annually in my clinical practice in the 00’s, I made two big sales discoveries.  Sales Discovery #1 Even with great advertising messages that cause an abundance of patients to call who need and are interested in [...]

Why I Became A Student of the Sales Process2023-05-24T11:57:51-04:00

Training and Intention Go Hand-In-Hand with All-on-X


The Full Arch Program is the largest network of independent and DSO implant practices delivering full arch implant care in North America. All of the details are here. It's one thing to be clinically qualified but intention (attitude and mindset) and it's role in success with these cases is also a big deal and rarely discussed professionally. There are thousands of docs with great clinical qualifications but either as a result of being 'Negative Nancy's' in between the ears or by being too concerned about what other's think of them, they seldom move up to treating (or helping) as many patients [...]

Training and Intention Go Hand-In-Hand with All-on-X2023-05-24T11:58:36-04:00

All-on-X Practice Websites: What’s Important


Recently, I had calls with several All-on-X focused docs who had either recently spent $12K plus with Einstein Dental on a website or were considering it. It’s utter nonsense to spend this kind of money on a website now, next year, or the year after and be it with Einstein, Progressive, or whoever, and I’ll go into the reasons below. Now for these two particular practices for which we were discussing the Full Arch Program, when I hear $12,000 I think of 2-3 months of an ad budget to generate 6-10 full arch implant cases being consumed by something that [...]

All-on-X Practice Websites: What’s Important2023-05-24T11:59:11-04:00

When To NOT Use Nobel Biocare Implants for All-on-X Cases


With dental implants, there is a time to use premium and there is a time to not use premium implants. As a business owner and clinician there is a balancing act between cutting supply costs just for the sake of cutting costs versus ensuring you deliver a clinically predictable long-term result.  Too often clinicians look at implant fixtures as completely interchangeable and then simply go to a lowest cost solution. Clinicians complain about patients doing this to them and then the clinician does the same thing when it comes to applying "cheap" to things that aren’t exactly the same! Often [...]

When To NOT Use Nobel Biocare Implants for All-on-X Cases2023-05-24T12:04:17-04:00

Storefronts and Google Ads


A big part of All-on-X advertising is having the right "storefront" online. Tis refers to what people see digitally about this procedure and you (versus others) when they go from an ad to your website. No matter what you do to advertise or promote, patients wind up at the storefront (your website). At your website, it's about All-on-X content and All-on-X correct copy to generate a phone call. If you happen to be part of the 1% who bill and collect 25-50% of implant case fees from Medicare than specific information regarding how that works also needs too be part of [...]

Storefronts and Google Ads2023-05-24T12:06:33-04:00

Two Facts About Advertising Costs for All-on-X / All-on-4 Cases


We put full arch “All-on-X” implant cases in practices like yours every month – it’s literally all we do.  The No. 1 question we get when we do this is as follows: "What’s my cost to generate these cases every month from advertising?" It's an understandable question and one that requires fact-based answers. Facts About Advertising Costs for All-on-X Cases FACT 1: The advertising cost in many markets for 6 full arch “All-on-X” cases is roughly $7K per month. Those 6 cases equal $100K-$200K each month in implant production. FACT 2: Patients only want to go to implant specialty practices [...]

Two Facts About Advertising Costs for All-on-X / All-on-4 Cases2023-05-24T12:12:00-04:00

Secrets In Advertising All-on-X Cases


Here's a secret critical to understand related to today's implant patients and cases and the specialty All-on-X advertising we produce, place, and manage for our member practices in the Full-Arch Program: Gone are the days when implant patients were mostly those in dentures. Yes, there are on occasion denture wearers who still need and who will buy dental implants, but the majority of cases right now are those in terminal dentitions (the ailing/failing dentition). This means most immediate loading cases (and the advertising that drives awareness, consults, and All-on-X cases in operatories) is not focused on those wearing dentures but on [...]

Secrets In Advertising All-on-X Cases2023-05-24T12:28:05-04:00
  • Dental Implant Marketing Costs

What is the Marketing Cost for All-on-4-Cases


What is the Marketing Cost for All-on-4-Cases I've gone into the long list of reasons why the public wants this procedure. So, what are the marketing costs for all-on-4-cases to see 50-100 of these cases annually? Well, before we get into actually dollar amounts and ranges, there are four big picture concepts to understand. #1 - The first thing to realize is that with marketing/advertising ANY niche procedure there is a certain minimal budget required to “break the glass.”  Breaking the glass refers to getting in front of enough patients for your message to matter. Anything below [...]

What is the Marketing Cost for All-on-4-Cases2019-10-23T12:19:58-04:00
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