• Dental Practice Marketing

Hidden Dental Practice Marketing Costs that the Majority Doesn’t Understand


Hidden Dental Practice Marketing Costs that the Majority Doesn't Understand Some dentists say they incur nothing or very little on dental marketing costs. On those rare occasions when I speak at a regular dental meeting, I’ll often ask the audience, “how many don’t spend anything on marketing their practice?”  Usually 30, 40 and sometimes even 50%+ of the room will raise their hands.  Following that question, I’ll ask how many practices are contracted with at least one insurance company and 90% of the hands will go up.   I’ll then go on to ask a few [...]

Hidden Dental Practice Marketing Costs that the Majority Doesn’t Understand2019-10-23T17:09:12-04:00
  • dental practice advice

Feeling Stuck? Here’s some dental practice advice


Feeling Stuck? Here's some dental practice advice Here is some dental practice advice if you are feeling stuck or treading water. I’m a big believer in the “keep it simple” principle.  One of the worst feelings in life is to feel like your “stuck” in situations be they personal or business related and getting mental grid lock on what to do.  The more of these things that pile up the more difficult it is to get mental traction. Here’s a simple way of fighting through “stuck” that I’ve used in the past as dental practice [...]

Feeling Stuck? Here’s some dental practice advice2019-10-23T17:09:57-04:00
  • dental practice advice

Dental Practice Advice-Amos Tversky, You, and Your Patients


Dental Practice Advice-Amos Tversky, You, and Your Patients I bet you’ve never heard of Amos Tversky or his behavioral studies as I apply them to dental practice advice-even though just that kind of study of how your patients decide things is far more important right now to you than anything going on in dental research. During a recent podium presentation, I gave the audience an Amos Tversky survival and loss/benefit test.  The test uses a life and death health situation to point out how we are all hard wired to be influenced by how information [...]

Dental Practice Advice-Amos Tversky, You, and Your Patients2019-10-23T17:10:49-04:00
  • dental consultant

Dental Consultant advice-Getting more out of each day, week, year, life.


Dental Consultant advice-Getting more out of each day, week, year, life. As a dental consultant ,I'm a productivity nut. The bug bit me hard when I had an insurance driven "treadmill" practice and it stuck with me when I had a low volume/excellent productivity/minimal hour practice and it continues in anything I'm involved in now. We are in an age where it has never been easier to commit to more hours than we have physically or emotionally are capable of doing well.  It pays to get smart about this as I continually remind my dentist [...]

Dental Consultant advice-Getting more out of each day, week, year, life.2019-10-23T17:11:34-04:00
  • ethical selling dentistry

When the clinical and non-clinical skills are aligned using Ethical Selling Dentistry


When the clinical and non-clinical skills are aligned using Ethical Selling Dentistry Using my ethical selling system has worked unbelievably well for me when I was in practice and now for my program members who rave how well my systems have worked for them. And guess what happens when you have an alignment of: good clinical skills, decent personality, being a bit more "out there" with putting a well thought out message about better services out into the market, and having a solid foundation for Ethical Selling Dentistry ? Well....here's what one of our member [...]

When the clinical and non-clinical skills are aligned using Ethical Selling Dentistry2019-10-23T17:12:12-04:00

Does Patient Education Work and dental marketing ideas?


Does Patient Education Work and dental marketing ideas? When considering dental marketing ideas and whether patient education works, consider the following- No beating around the bush on this....here's what "education" really means: *Consults *Case Reports *Case Presentations *Well written materials about your practice *Videos-especially simple *Hygiene visits *Emails *Snail Mail *Websites *Follow-up Calls ...the list is actually endless... AND..HERE'S THE BIG TAKE AWAY: My perception in the area of dental marketing ideas and theories is that there IS a time and a place for patient education and it is RARELY effective when communicated to the [...]

Does Patient Education Work and dental marketing ideas?2019-10-23T17:12:50-04:00
  • dental practice advice

Dental Practice Advice and Responsibility


Dental Practice Advice and Responsibility Let's discuss in the dental practice advice arena............ R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y. Definitely too long of a word to create another hit song like Aretha's 'Respect' but this R word is up there in importance and value. By nature, man is a paradoxical creature.  We've repeatedly heard since children that actions have consequences and that message often gets lost.  As adults, most sort of believe in this concept and few ever pick up on something just as important which is that even the action of doing nothing (in-action) has consequences.  Those doing the [...]

Dental Practice Advice and Responsibility2019-10-23T17:13:54-04:00
  • Dental practice marketing

Dental Practice Marketing -How’s this year’s plan going?


Dental Practice Marketing -How's this year's plan going? Annually when we review dental practice marketing, we advise all our member practices well advance of the New Year to revisit the previous year's efforts critically.  Do more of what worked, test one or two new activities, and kill off what was proven by the numbers to no longer be effective. If you don't work like this (having an annual promotional calendar), I can guarantee that you waste time and resources during the year.  By this time of the year, things will feel out of control and [...]

Dental Practice Marketing -How’s this year’s plan going?2019-10-23T17:14:41-04:00
  • Dental Consultant

Dental Consultant says beware of…


Dental Consultant says beware of... As a dental consultant I urge my clients to be aware of one of the biggest secrets in dentistry that's hidden in plain sight. So.....what’s the secret? Well....here it is. "Stuff" doesn't sell itself.  Worth repeating....  In fact, almost NOTHING besides those things that fulfill basic of human desires-needs (food, shelter, protection, or sex) sells itself.   In the medical arts, pain relief is what sells itself. For dentistry I have learned as a dentist myself and as a dental consultant that the "stuff" is disposables, equipment, or advanced techniques learned [...]

Dental Consultant says beware of…2019-10-23T17:15:25-04:00
  • dental practice advice

Dental Practice Advice-Here’s a few things CE course providers are NOT going to share with you.


Dental Practice Advice-Here's a few things CE course providers are NOT going to share with you. In the dental practice advice category so far, we’ve covered, trade journals and major meetings. Now let’s talk about clinical “CE” courses.  [Once again, if there is no direct hands on surgery or lab work of some kind to be imparted with you touching a patient or a physical model, it’s time to break your habit.  I’m sure you can find other more pressing things to do with the time and money!] While "positioned" as clinical education, in MOST [...]

Dental Practice Advice-Here’s a few things CE course providers are NOT going to share with you.2019-10-23T17:16:07-04:00
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