Dental Marketing Strategies and Handling Patient Negativity

Dental Marketing Strategies

In dental marketing strategies you will have to be ready for patient negativity and BS !

There’s almost always some controversy surrounding different branches of health care including us as dentists. It’s the reality. Some apples go bad.

Most recently there was a story about how many practices with new types of 3D radiography were over-radiating patients. It won’t be the last time this type of black-eye making story makes the news.

For the ethical and conscientious provider, it’s important to never let anyone “see you sweat” when these revelations show up. You need to have dental marketing strategies in place to deal with such.

-Don’t overreact, don’t defend, don’t argue, and don’t push.

-Most of the population is never going to be a regular customer.

-It’s not good. It’s not bad. It simply is.

Anything we do or say to prove to others that they are wrong and we are right will only make things worse. How often were you proven “wrong” and you felt that it was a great experience? Try my new book on Amazon, for more tips on how to deal with negativity and rising above other dentists around you.

When bad news hits the mainstream press, let it be “okay.”

Then, create the appropriate business model around it. Your patients and story always show how you are different than the rest.

Credibility and trust building are part of a conscious decision in how you practice and present your different-ness over other dental choices to patients and potential patients.

There are elegant ways to present differentness that do not require being pushy or defensive and is all part of the dental marketing strategies package that I developed as a dentist.

For example, here are some fairly common things that dentists hear from prospects and/or patients:

“I don’t need to visit you as often as you say.”

“I don’t believe in Fluoride.”

“Dentists aren’t real doctors.”

“I hate dentists.”

“Dentistry always hurts.”

“Do I still need to keep coming in every 3 months?”

“I need to go home and think about it.”

“Sorry, I forgot about my appointment.”

“I think you’re great!”

“I wish I could get my spouse in to see you.”

“I went through treatment for that and it didn’t work.”


None of the above statements should “get to” you.


Realize that people say things mainly because they are fearful and/or are looking to you for help with decision making.

There is nothing you can or should do about it at that moment.

ALL you can and should do is provide quality care in a professional and desirable manner and hand patients as many good decision making tools as you can as part of dental marketing strategies.

Build the list and package of why you are different.

Communicate it often. For more help, check out my website.