Dental Practice Advice from Dr. McAnally on American Idol?

Dental Practice Advice

Some doctors have seen the Facebook picture of me with Ms. Paula Abdul and asked if I auditioned for American Idol!

Fat chance! While I do DJ and produce original electronic music tracks, singing is not my strong point!

But….I was invited to participate in a private marketing meeting with Paula and what I learned allows me to give better dental practice advice to program members.

…I revealed and learned a lot that day. It’s just this kind of meeting of individuals in different non-dental industries that bring unique strategies and dental practice advice into our Academy’s groups just for our members. If anyone you listen too is “inbred” only with dentists you have a real problem because that’s not how the best practices of operation, marketing, and selling are developed these days. You can learn more about my dental practice advice and training from my #1 top selling book on Amazon.

The applicable strategies that came out of this meeting with Paula were immediately transferred into dental practice advice and strategies for the Academy’s Elite Program which is now available completely online (no travel required) and via a simple monthly fee.

And just in case you think that no one is buying any dentistry these days, one of our Elite Program members in Western Virginia (not a hot bed of commerce by any means) just reported their best month ever which included 2 forty thousand dollar implant cases. The senior doc and associate are so busy they are looking for the next associate. Want the same kind of problem? If so, the same ads are available to you via the monthly Elite Program.