Dental Practice Marketing-Create or get your own celebrity

dental practice marketing

In dental practice marketing my program members use my marketing materials by advertising that they are a dentist to a celebrity or famous local person.

My mom sent me a nice newspaper clipping.  Seems quaint doesn’t it.  The reality is most of your ideal candidates for all kinds of procedures are, guess what, reading the newspaper!   While most dentists have abandoned this sure-fire method of finding fee for service cases by dental practice marketing correctly.  Oh well, our members will continue to get their cases with the ads we provide on good ole’ shaved tree (and quite a few on radio as well–and not internet radio but good old broadcast). Check out how they do that here.

Anyway, the story she sent  is about the most famous GI to ever have passed through the local Fort, closed many yeas ago.  People visit the museum just to see “The King” getting his hair cut.  The barber would eventually wind up being a patient of my father.  The other most “famous” patient of his time in practice was the father of “Mr. Brady.”

One of the Kardashians has a boutique here in Miami–always packed with people photographing it or moving bags of schlock out of the store after emptying the shelves.  That’s not the kind of celebrity one needs in their practice (besides maybe a few colleagues in L.A.)

Intentionally calling celebrity or mini-celebrity patients to one’s practice and to leverage their presence as ways to convince other patients to join a practice is a best business practice these days in dental practice marketing.  Sorry if that offends any old fogies but it is one sure fire way to have more cases than others.  And unless you are truly Methusaleh, this concept is as old as the days of the very first mass market printing press (Napoleonic era) and radio/phonograph (T.A. Edison).

This headline, inadvertently created by some writer’s on the tonight show is in actual use attracting cosmetic and implant patients routinely in several of our alumni Elite Program practices.  A great example of power of celebrity pulling a LOT for a local practice.  Obviously, to get access to this little gem, you have to do our  McAnally Selling System Program.  Outside of that, all have access to the concept.  You simply need to go out and create/get your own celebrity.

Check out my #1 top selling book on Amazon to learn more.