Big Case Marketing Blog

  • Independent dentist

Independent Dentists worry-Are there too many dentists?


Independent Dentists worry-Are there too many dentists? Independent dentists often ask at professional meetings "why are there too many" dentists? While the economy is in a very unfair state, Dentistry remains a great profession ESPECIALLY for those working to accumulate advantages in their local area.  This entire topic of how to create advantages that allow any dentists to win out over market unfairness is the subject matter of my latest book available at Amazon. Here are some signs of the times: *Dental school enrollment is UP.  Dentists’ kids and those in dentists’ circles of influence [...]

Independent Dentists worry-Are there too many dentists?2019-10-23T16:31:03-04:00
  • Independent dentists

Independent Dentists and Competition -why it’s a good thing to strive for Un-equality


Independent Dentists and Competition -why it's a good thing to strive for Un-equality Independent dentists as business owner's why is it important to understand and care (very much) about the concept of becoming “un-equal’ in your market against the competition ? Because ultimately, how ‘un-equal’ you are in the eyes  of the prospective and existing patient ties directly to your ability to stay independent from the tentacles of insurance discounting and to command full fees for whatever service you enjoy the most.  Dentists who are the most equal in the eyes of the public have [...]

Independent Dentists and Competition -why it’s a good thing to strive for Un-equality2019-10-23T16:31:56-04:00
  • Dental consulting

Dental Consulting and Why many dental practice goals fall short


Dental Consulting and Why many dental practice goals fall short When considering dental consulting and how important it is to think carefully about how we spell out our goals? Because, ultimately, even in simply the way they are described and written out provide insight on what we are really looking for in life and can expect from the goal. Over the years while dental consults, dentists have told me and our program staff their goal, both short term and long term, and- Here's a very common example of goal setting: Short term: Build my practice [...]

Dental Consulting and Why many dental practice goals fall short2019-10-23T16:32:43-04:00
  • Independent dentist

Independent Dentist and Liberty over Dental Insurance Tyranny


Independent Dentist and Liberty over Dental Insurance Tyranny As an independent dentist do you wonder why don't more dentists already have Liberty over dental insurance? For the most part it's because they have never understood they actually have a choice to make in this matter. Did you know that there are doctors practicing around you, who, at this very moment, are 100% free from the tyranny of discounted insurance contracts?  You and they both go to your practices each day and do the exact same clinical procedures.  You take a very big fee ‘haircut’ on [...]

Independent Dentist and Liberty over Dental Insurance Tyranny2019-10-23T16:33:31-04:00
  • Dental practice marketing

Dental Practice Marketing and what you need to know about dental conformity in mindset


Dental Practice Marketing and what you need to know about dental conformity in mindset Why do some dentists using dental practice marketing tools break free from conformity in the areas that matter and others don't? At least one reason is because of the unfounded fear of leaving behind what everyone else is doing even though they are wrong. Becoming a dentist often results in thinking and behavioral patterns of conformity.  When it comes to basic, standardized services, this is actually a good thing.  Public trust in all licensed professions rests on being able to get [...]

Dental Practice Marketing and what you need to know about dental conformity in mindset2019-10-23T16:34:26-04:00
  • Dental Marketing Strategies

End of Year To Do’s in Dental Marketing Strategies


End of Year To Do's in Dental Marketing Strategies At the end of each year dentists should look at their dental market strategies and plan what to change or improve for next year. For those in the mood to do some thinking about their practice while they relax over the holidays, the new book ‘The Dentists Unfair Advantage Volume II” is a great way to shake up your concepts of what’s fair and unfair related to practice right now.  Amazon will happily get it to you very quickly. This week completes this short series of [...]

End of Year To Do’s in Dental Marketing Strategies2019-10-23T16:35:24-04:00
  • Dental Marketing Strategies

Dental Marketing Strategies – The Annual Marketing Calendar Review


Dental Marketing Strategies - The Annual Marketing Calendar Review Dentists should be thinking about their dental marketing strategies and their annual review at the end of each year. The new book ‘The Dentists Unfair Advantage Volume II” is getting RAVE reviews at Amazon.  Have you picked up your copy? Since the holidays are fast approaching, this month’s blogs are meant to instill better understanding that in addition to the holidays most of your business rises and ebbs annually based on a regional or local economic cycle.  Annual planning which pulls together information from this year’s [...]

Dental Marketing Strategies – The Annual Marketing Calendar Review2019-10-23T16:36:07-04:00
  • Dental marketing ideas

Dental Marketing Ideas and What Messages to Send to Patients and Prospective Patients that Motivate


Dental Marketing Ideas and What Messages to Send to Patients and Prospective Patients that Motivate At the end of each year you should be considering your dental marketing ideas and how to motivate patients in the next year. Did you know that much of the business of your practice runs on an annual cycle and many aspects of that cycle can be best managed by firstly realizing the cycle exists and then addressing it as part of an annual calendar planning session.  There are nuances in most markets, slow months that occur in a location, [...]

Dental Marketing Ideas and What Messages to Send to Patients and Prospective Patients that Motivate2019-10-23T16:36:56-04:00
  • dental practice advice

What scares dental patients and NOT just on Halloween-some dental practice advice


What scares dental patients and NOT just on Halloween-some dental practice advice Since Halloween is upon us. I thought it perfect timing to impart some dental practice advice and discuss a few of the things that scare dental patients all year round. I'm not saying that they literally scream with terror (although there are certainly some very anxious folks in the population who without sedation are in that category), or even express what they find disappointing about interactions, but when enough of these boo-hickeys are present they aren't going to stay around long, tell others, [...]

What scares dental patients and NOT just on Halloween-some dental practice advice2019-10-23T16:41:40-04:00
  • Independent dentist

For the Independent Dentist -Tiny excuses = big practice sabotage given enough time.


For the Independent Dentist -Tiny excuses = big practice sabotage given enough time. After interacting with hundreds of colleagues most as independent dentists, I've observed that the successful do and think a lot differently than those who either struggle or underachieve. This doesn't mean that the  successful independent dentists are necessarily better doctors ...but one thing is very common amongst them which is they don't buy into the excuses projected by the profession at large, things such as: "It's not as easy for me to succeed; I'm not an aggressive type of person." "I'm not [...]

For the Independent Dentist -Tiny excuses = big practice sabotage given enough time.2019-10-23T16:42:26-04:00
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