End of Year To Do’s in Dental Marketing Strategies

Dental Marketing Strategies

At the end of each year dentists should look at their dental market strategies and plan what to change or improve for next year.

For those in the mood to do some thinking about their practice while they relax over the holidays, the new book ‘The Dentists Unfair Advantage Volume II” is a great way to shake up your concepts of what’s fair and unfair related to practice right now.  Amazon will happily get it to you very quickly.

This week completes this short series of things to be doing annually as each year winds down.  When Oct-Nov arrives, the exact same end of year cycle plays out again.  Dentists who are serious about having an efficient approach to structuring their practice so that it serves them well understand the annual cycle and then address it in ways to maximize what’s possible in the time they budget to patient treatment each year by using dental marketing strategies.

Last week we covered the annual marketing calendar review and how it pulls what happens from marketing from the past 12 months and allows better planning for the coming year.  FYI:  Zero practices ever adhere 100% of the projected plan BUT having the plan means there is far less deviation and distractions in how the practice will finds patients and cases for the coming year.

In addition to the marketing calendar review and planning,  dental marketing strategies by practices that are also focused on ethical and efficient selling will pull and review numbers that identify where improvements in sales process can be made and where there are likely holes in the system are:

These compiled stats include:

*The total number of incoming large case phone calls you received during the past 12 months?
*What % were scheduled for a consult?
*What % of those scheduled showed up, cancelled, or no showed?
*Of the consults that showed what % went through diagnostics?
*Of those who went through diagnostics what % went on to treatment?
*What was the final percent of people that called that went into treatment?
*What was the actual value per call?  Per consult scheduled?  Per diagnostic visit?

FYI;  Tracking of this kind of data happens on a monthly basis by way of phone slips and case tracking as part of selling with a check-list system, I provide my dental members as part of my proven dental marketing strategies.

If your promoting elective, niche, fee for service procedures and if this all seems like a foreign language, the bad news is you are getting much less return on your marketing.  The good news is that by simply changing what you track, you can easily find what has to change for better results.

If you are marketing niches services and you aren’t selling by way of a check-list system, you are really missing the boat, not helping as many patients as you could each year and not being compensated for your worth (in most practices this means a 10-20% jump in PROFIT). Check out more about this on my website.