• Ethical selling dentistry

Why Dentistry IS a hard sell….without Ethical Selling Dentistry


Why Dentistry IS a hard sell....without Ethical Selling Dentistry If  you don't apply ethical selling dentistry in your practice, it makes it so much harder to close cases. The sooner you "get" this, the better. Non-pain relief dentistry is and will always be a hard sell.  [Notice I didn't say, you have to hard sell dentistry--because you don't and our ethical sales training Program called the McAnally Selling System proves just that.] Patients don't want to go to doctors of ANY kind-period.  In that category, dentists have it easy because most people understand what even [...]

Why Dentistry IS a hard sell….without Ethical Selling Dentistry2019-10-23T17:40:26-04:00
  • Ethical Selling Dentistry

10 Things Every Dentist Needs to Know and Understand in Dental Practice Advice


10 Things Every Dentist Needs to Know and Understand in Dental Practice Advice In my dental practice advice series I ask my new program members- How many of these do YOU understand? 1. Maintenance Care and Prevention is and will always be a hard sell. Most people don't like going to the dentist. 2. Give patients what they want. If it's way outside accepted norms, have them sign-off on such. 3. Even if you get great results, if patients don't like the experience (i.e. you, your facility, your team), they won't come back or tell [...]

10 Things Every Dentist Needs to Know and Understand in Dental Practice Advice2019-10-23T17:41:23-04:00
  • Ethical Selling Dentistry

What Dentists (and Patients) Buy…..and Ethical Selling Dentistry


What Dentists (and Patients) Buy.....and Ethical Selling Dentistry I developed my ethical selling dentistry system when studying what patients and dentists buy outside of dentistry, based on the rationale (or lack of) based on their wants and needs. If you want something badly you will seek a way to get it ! Last weekend I was in NYC for a wedding of a staff member (Amber, who has worked with us in a number roles for many years). Besides the wedding (fantastic--on the roof of the Gramercy Park Hotel--one of the big investors in Studio [...]

What Dentists (and Patients) Buy…..and Ethical Selling Dentistry2019-10-23T17:42:53-04:00
  • Dental Practice Marketing

Dental Practice Marketing and Ethical Selling Outcomes


Dental Practice Marketing and Ethical Selling Outcomes When it comes to dental practice marketing outcomes....What's in YOUR Head? Sometimes I wonder what's really going through most dental business owner's minds..... On one hand, the writing has been clearly visible on the wall for a very long time ---routine general dentistry, when you're signed up as "preferred" anything, is being performed at lower and lower margins and higher overheads on a year-on-year comparison basis. Been that way for two plus decades! The only path to a more successful business under that "scheme," as the Brits would [...]

Dental Practice Marketing and Ethical Selling Outcomes2019-10-23T17:43:33-04:00
  • ethical selling dentistry

Ethical Selling Dentistry and Sticker shock when presenting fees


Ethical Selling Dentistry and Sticker shock when presenting fees Using my proven ethical selling dentistry system, program members avoid the horror of sticker shock during case presentation. Every month in our member publications we discuss key things that one can do to make practice infinitely easier when it comes to promotion and ethical selling dentistry. Here's two that I recently reviewed on our list of 39 tenets which is now published and for sale on Amazon, that most in the profession have no clue on but that make real differences in whether you do better [...]

Ethical Selling Dentistry and Sticker shock when presenting fees2019-10-23T17:44:20-04:00
  • Independent dentist

The Independent Dentist and Dental practice transitions. Think carefully.


The Independent Dentist and Dental practice transitions. Think carefully. For the Independent dentist, the concept of retirement and how to approach it raises big concerns. Summary: A reasonable and attainable alternative to traditional retirement is to move to a model of only promoting and ethically selling the procedures you love the most at appropriate and profitable fees for as long as you want or need income. Recently, we made it easy to obtain proven ready to use advertisements for reconstructive dentistry-cases that many dentists love doing and who's average case sizes start at $10,000--without needing [...]

The Independent Dentist and Dental practice transitions. Think carefully.2019-10-23T17:48:38-04:00
  • Independent dentist

What the Independent Dentist Can Do Now That Chase Health Advance Has Called It Quits


What the Independent Dentist Can Do Now That Chase Health Advance Has Called It Quits   What to Do Now That ChaseHealthAdvance Is Calling It Quits if you are an independent dentist ? You’ve probably heard by now ChaseHealth will wind down its dental financing product. That means nearly 50% of the private patient financing pool is set to go POOF! Needless to say, it is not a positive dental economic sign when the biggest consumer bank in the country is 86ing a product that ties to our industry.     What gives???? It’s very likely that [...]

What the Independent Dentist Can Do Now That Chase Health Advance Has Called It Quits2019-10-23T17:49:24-04:00
  • Dental Practice Advice

Dental Practice Advice from Dr. McAnally on American Idol?


Dental Practice Advice from Dr. McAnally on American Idol? Some doctors have seen the Facebook picture of me with Ms. Paula Abdul and asked if I auditioned for American Idol! Fat chance! While I do DJ and produce original electronic music tracks, singing is not my strong point! But....I was invited to participate in a private marketing meeting with Paula and what I learned allows me to give better dental practice advice to program members. ...I revealed and learned a lot that day. It's just this kind of meeting of individuals in different non-dental industries [...]

Dental Practice Advice from Dr. McAnally on American Idol?2019-10-23T17:50:31-04:00
  • dental practice advice

In Dental Practice Advice-the easy days are over for Dentistry


In Dental Practice Advice-the easy days are over for Dentistry In the dental practice advice series I will touch on why the good ole' days are over. The a life saying, "what got you here won't get you there" has been a pretty good truism for a long time and under the current realities it has become a bottom line fact for where dentists stand with what they face for the coming 20 years of practice.... I've  talked before about average being over for the middle classes in the U.S.  Those not moving beyond average [...]

In Dental Practice Advice-the easy days are over for Dentistry2019-10-23T17:51:10-04:00
  • Dental Practice advice

Want to Escape the Dental Commodity Trap? Take some dental practice advice


Want to Escape the Dental Commodity Trap? Take some dental practice advice Watch Dr. James McAnally video explain how to escape the dental commodity trap in his dental practice advice series. Learn more from my #1 top best selling book on Amazon. Or see how our dentist members are using advertising templates personalized for their specific market arena by taking advantage of my dental practice advice strategies.

Want to Escape the Dental Commodity Trap? Take some dental practice advice2019-10-23T17:51:46-04:00
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