Why Dentistry IS a hard sell….without Ethical Selling Dentistry

Ethical selling dentistry

If  you don’t apply ethical selling dentistry in your practice, it makes it so much harder to close cases.

The sooner you “get” this, the better.

Non-pain relief dentistry is and will always be a hard sell.  [Notice I didn’t say, you have to hard sell dentistry–because you don’t and our ethical sales training Program called the McAnally Selling System proves just that.]

Patients don’t want to go to doctors of ANY kind-period.  In that category, dentists have it easy because most people understand what even G.V. Black figured out in that it wasn’t the fillings that kept him ‘in teeth’ but the SCRAPING.

Most patients are skeptical of dentists (and have every right to be).  There are plenty of shysters in every profession, including ours, contributing to the already built in distrust.  Are you countering those things as part of your business strategy by having a proven ethical selling dentistry system in place ?

The vast majority of dental patients want to get through with whatever it is they are having done and out of your office as quickly as possible.  They might be comfortable in your well appointed waiting room but how many come by to sip a cappuccino and relax??

That is why it is crucial that you learn how to give patients what they want AND to use behavioral tools to at least get those who do interact with you as patients and potential patients to make the best decisions you ALLOW them to as things you do, say, and show all have impacts on whether those decisions are good ones or less so. My system helps them decide with the right question and information what is best for them.

AND…..know what?? You’re no different than your patients…

You don’t want to commit to lengthy contracts with a consultant.

You don’t want to “pre-pay” for consulting.

You’d rather pay as you go and be able to stop anytime you want.

So, why do you think your patients are any different?

Once you live and practice in the REAL WORLD and not the “SHOULD BE” world, E V E R Y T H I N G transforms.

And, if you do things right with promotion and ethical selling dentistry, just like our members, your patients WILL pay for your knowledge, will give you great testimonials which are as good as a referral these days, and lastly, keep coming to you as long as the trust factors are there….

Want to learn more about how our program members are dominating the competition in their markets…….check out my #1 top selling book on Amazon.