Dental Practice Management-The best in business all do it…..

dental practice management

When it comes to dental practice management you should be doing this routinely-

And it’s called.  MBWA or “Management by Walking Around”

I’m taken back by how little most practice owner’s really know about what their staff are up to in the practice and MBWA is a proven way to stop the madness of being in the dark about one’s vital professional service business operation.

It’s understandable, in the first few years, to be a bit naïve about this simply from being overwhelmed with what it means to be a dental business owner.  Been there-done that!

However, beyond the 1-2 year mark, knowing what’s going on is one of the best and most sure ways to keep things working well in the practice for a lifetime in dental practice management.

One of the best ways to truly manage and know what’s happening in a business is to use MBWA (management by walking around).

The various scenarios of how this works in the real world includes:

*One staff member in the front office who serves as your trusted and unbiased ears while you are operating in the clinic.

*In the clinic, it means not encapsulating yourself in a bubble but actually listening to what’s happening.

*In a multi-doctor practice, it rotates among the clinicians and professional manager.

In a tiny 3 person practice with no manager and no associates, on a hygiene check it means sticking your head into other parts of the office to see what people are up to.

It’s literally as simple as just walking around, observing, listening, and watching what’s happening.

What are you looking and listen for in dental practice management ?

Well, it’s not just trying to find things people are doing wrong (that’s super easy)…

Here’s a few:

-Things that need better explanations from doctor or management.

-Areas that need better training administratively and clinically.

-Holes in your systems.  When is it time to review in your systems?

-Ways that staff may have found better ways to do things that need to be shared with more staff or documented.

-Candid opinions of how to fix something that is an actual recurring problem.

Get up and get going and start here by checking out my #1 top selling book on Amazon.

Or if you really are serious as a business owner and want to up your game, check out my website.