In Dental Practice Marketing- The Dental Buck Stops………..

dental case presentation

Do you know that in dental practice marketing you are the star of the show !!

An old phrase, popularized by former President Harry S. Truman.  Truman kept the phrase on the oval office desk reminding him that many decisions, regardless of the input of advisers or experts, were ultimately left to him (and his instinct).

In your practice and in the patient’s eyes, the buck stops with you.  You’re THE man or THE woman.  The patient looks to you for advice and much of what they will and won’t buy (and the fees they will buy at) revolves around things you either happily do or, after careful thought, delegate.

The buck stopping maxim gets even bigger with big cases.

When it comes to larger (big) cases in dental practice marketing, what individual does the patient have the most faith in related to any and all aspects of the discussion?  If you guessed, the doctor, then you guessed correctly.  The underlying basis of the patient’s faith stems from whatever state of leadership development you inhabit at the point in time of the discussion.

Those who are more advanced on the leadership timeline invariably do more cases.  Those who are less advanced do fewer.  The good news is that there is no truly no bad news related to where you stand as a leader. If you need a jumping off point to get a better handle on leadership and taking the reins, why not check out my #1 best selling book on Amazon.

If you are already a decent leader, using the check-list system I developed and which was recently fully updated on my website automatically means you leverage your leadership to do more and better cases.

If you are waiting for you inner leader to develop, there’s actually great news.  You can entirely delegate “sales” to a capable team member if you allow them to fill your shoes.  It’s akin to “firing” yourself until you can fill those shoes in a capable manner.

If you do decide to do this (fire yourself), the only thing I ask of you is to go through the training with your key team members so that you allow your inner leader to begin to awaken.