We are a profession of learners.

Anyone with a license is forced to learn at least a little bit. Beyond that basic reality, we then fall into two groups: the 80% that are sort of getting by with trying to maintain their knowledge (doing the minimum) and the 20%.

Step inside the top 20% of learners in the profession and you’ll find this group taking 80% of the advanced “kids” classes.

They are the CE junkies and they are the dentists who treat other dentists.

The Appeal of Credentials

As a by-product of this education and training, people strive for and attain credentials.

While it feels good to get that award (yes, I have three credentials and I know that feeling), the reality is that how credentials are presented to patients can either mean zilch or mean a lot.

  • When credentials are OUTSIDE a real sales process of a defined list of steps followed from the moment the patient walks through the door until the check is signed they equal zilch, squat, nothing….
  • When credentials are put INSIDE a real sales process with a defined check-list steps they matter a lot and contribute to engineering more trust in you versus others. They also THEN support fees.

Putting Credentials to Use

How about we finally put those credentials to work helping more patients, you, and your business?

That’s part of what we do in the Full Arch Program and it’s always what we do when teaching The McAnally MBA Level Sales Process for clinicians with credentials.

Ready to use your credentials wisely? Go here to get in touch with me.

Program Testimonials

“Thanks to James and the Full Arch Program, we treat a full arch case every week. I’m having the most fun ever in my long professional career!”
– Dr. Joe M. Virginia

“The Full Arch Program with Medicare Option has given me the implant practice of my dreams.”
– Dr. F. A. Charlotte, NC